Thursday, February 13th: All games for tonight are cancelled.

What is Underdog?

Laid back leagues for everyday players 21+ that are safe, fair... and fun!


Underdog Sports Leagues is an adult co-ed, recreational sports league that was started with a simple idea: provide laid back leagues for everyday players that are safe, fair, and fun.  In our minds, you don’t need to be good at sports to have fun playing sports. Plus you don’t need to be a great athlete to play in an awesome league with excellent facilities, top notch gear, trained staff that can relate to your teammates, and a fun, big-time website.  Most of our players are everyday Underdogs, but almost every league we offer has different skill divisions so if your team is better than most but still has the right attitude and approach to co-rec leagues, we welcome you to give Underdog a try. Just know that here at Underdog we spend much of our time protecting the average teams, rather than catering to the great teams. 
A common misperception is that if you play with Underdog you must suck and be out of shape. Sure maybe sometimes – but Underdog is and always has been about the attitude our teams and players approach and interact with sports we offer.  We have great teams that can whip you on the field and do so with a fun attitude and great sportsmanship.  In the past we have also had teams that love to argue with refs, run up the score, talk trash in the process, and are simultaneously always the victim of some massive referee/staff conspiracy.  Those teams don’t last.   We can always try and find a place for you based on your skill, but some players and teams simply don’t belong with Underdog, and our many members expect us to to tell you quite bluntly if you’re a bad fit, so don’t take it personally. 
Underdog offers our traditional suite of sports like Co-ed and Gentleman’s Flag Football: co-ed Indoor, Sand and Grass Volleyball, and co-ed slowpitch softball.  
In addition we offer our leisure suite of sports including Kickball, Dodgeball, and Cornhole. 
Every league we offer has its own unique flavor, from gear to vocabulary and weeks in a season.  But hopefully you find that no matter what the field or court that the Staff and Website of Underdog helps you truly enjoy your sport as a source of entertainment and fun (and sometimes even exercise) whether you win, lose, or don’t even care.