Pit of De-spare plays in a Bowling league

Pit of De-spare

Late Fall Westside Thursday Bowling at Valley Lanes 7pm - FALL[09] Late Fall Westside Bowling at Valley Lanes TH 7pm
6 0 0

Team Schedule

Thursday, November 19

7:00 PM Lanes 3 and 4
Drifters no.2 Team Logo
Drifters no.2
4 - 0

Thursday, December 10

7:00 PM Lanes 3 and 4
Balls Deep Team Logo
Balls Deep
4 - 0

Thursday, December 17

7:00 PM Lanes 3 and 4
Indy #1 Team Logo
Indy #1
4 - 0

Thursday, January 7

7:00 PM Lanes 3 and 4
The Bowling Stones Team Logo
The Bowling Stones
4 - 0

Thursday, January 14

7:00 PM Lanes 3 and 4
Bowlin' w/Tha Homies-Indy #2 Team Logo
Bowlin' w/Tha Homies-Indy #2
4 - 0

Thursday, January 21

7:00 PM Lanes 5 and 6
Bowlin' w/Tha Homies-Indy #2 Team Logo
Bowlin' w/Tha Homies-Indy #2
3 - 0


First Place

Late Fall Westside Thursday Bowling at Valley Lanes 7pm

In a season where we saw Pit of De-Spare have record numbers, they dominated through the season and came up with an impressive victory. With their highest scoring total of the season, as well as their careers, coming in the championship game they showed no signs of stopping. A whopping 706 total capped their season as Casey led the way throughout the year.

Indy #1, The Seaward, had an impressive showing to pull out in second place and proved that Indy teams can mesh just fine to pull off some victories! The even showed their good spirits all season by all heading to another bar after bowling to enjoy some good conversation and times along with a few other teams.

In the third place game Bowlin' w/Tha Homies (Indy #2) came up just short but still manged to be at the top of the league in Jell-o shots consumed! They even showed their enthusiasm and won the Spirit award for the entire season just narrowly beating out The Bowling Stones.

Balls Deep showed up to play tonight in the 9-pin no-tap game and won 5-3 to end the season on a high note. Jake and Drew led the way with some no-tap coupons with Colleen, Carie and Brian proving themselves as well.

Overall a very enjoyable season for all with a ton of Underdog-ness spirit!

Thursday, January 21

POTW: Heidi Beckett

Pit of De-spare

Heidi not only provided some good support for her team this year, she also provided some good will in be a key player in getting teams to join up after games for a few more rounds just down the street. She continued another season of keeping her and everyone else's spirits up to true Underdog levels! Way to go Heidi!

Thursday, January 14

POTW: Brad McGerald

Pit of De-spare

Pit of De-spare was matched up with Bowlin' w/Tha Homies and that's exactly what Pit ended up doing. Casey ended up switch-hitting...errr...bowling while Brad and Michelle were extremely consistent for the night. Brad ended up getting the nod for player of the week this week though based on an ongoing quest he's had through the season. Tonight he again full-filled his quest and proudly (and loudly) proclaimed, "I MATTER!" when he found out his score would actually be counted tonight. Way to go Brad! P.S. - you have always mattered to us!

Thursday, November 19

POTW: Pit of De-spare

Pit of De-spare

With yet another season and win under their belt Pit has showed up for another go and they didn't want to disappoint their leader Michelle who wasn't able to make it in Week #1. They started the night off right with reminding teams during the opening night speech that there were theme nights for Spirit Coupons and we all know that Pit likes to dress up for these nights! Casey led the way in an above average team score for Pit but no one was to be outdone that night in having everyone's score count at least once! Pit opened the season out where they left off, who will be their next challenger?


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