The A-team Violators plays in a Volleyball league

The A-team Violators

Winter Softcore Co-ed Volleyball at Hillside Community Center Sundays - Winter[12] Co-ed Volleyball at Hillside Community Center Sundays
4 4 0


Sunday, April 15

Who is having fun?

Snorts Galore

Snorts, snorts and more snorts! A-Team Violators, Kendle Deaderick had ton's of fun playing and laughing up a storm. Anyone can easily notice this because of her unique laughter and snorts.
Kendle was having enough fun for everyone there. In one occasion, players from the other court came over to find out what was going on. As they spread the curtain that separates the two courts, they found Kendle on the ground laughing so hard it contagiously spread to her team.
Her team had fun, but she took it to another level as she lead the team in good times. She even broke her own record of most snorts per minute with 5. Congratulations to Kendle Deaderick for being awesome as she gets the Player of the Week award!

Sunday, April 1

Nominated by her team


In one word Megan Pierce was riDiculous! She was all over the court telling her own players to set her up.
Her team nominated her to be the player of the game because ......"She was a scary, scary animal."
Once the match was over and the full moon subsided, she returned to her normal human form and went up to the team giving them high fives and smiles.
If it weren't for her breakthrough performance on the court Sunday night, her secret would still be safe. But because she turned into "The Animal" she is now compromised. But nonetheless, she gets the coveted Player of the Week award, Congratulations.


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