Bowling Schedule

Late Winter Big Turkey Bowling at Interstate Lanes Thursdays 7pm

Thursday, February 18

Louis Burge
Louis Burge
Indy #B3
Louie has one of the most unique techniques of any bowler I've ever seen. He walks straight up to the line, stops, places both feet adjacent to the left gutter, and carefully lines up the shot with his right arm. But what this technique lacks in orthodoxy, it makes up for in effectiveness; Louie had some great scores to ensure that the his team snagged a crucial point away from the formidable Gutterball Turkeys.
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
7:00 PM
POTG: Michelle G
POTG: Jenna W
POTG: Darlene R
POTG: Brody L
POTG: Justin T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 25

Mikey Stanciu
Mikey Stanciu
Spare Ribs
Sometimes it's just your night. And Thursday, the night belonged to Mikey. He started off by subbing for the Gutterball Turkeys, helping them win their 1st game with the Pineapples with a 168. He then came back to his own team for the second game, getting the high score in what was reportedley Deez Ballz's first loss ever. I think he also won a couple hands of poker; altogether a very successful night for Mikey.
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
7:00 PM
POTG: Rachel S
  Deez Ballz [3]
  Spare Ribs [1]
POTG: Collin F
POTG: Lindsay C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 3

Billy Wood
Billy Wood
No one really knows how old Billy is, but we do know that Thursday was his birthday. He could have spent his birthday in many different ways, but he spent it helping the Pin-a-Traitors to victory. Getting older never looked so good, as Billy showed off some timeless skills to clinch the win for his team.
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
7:00 PM
POTG: John H
POTG: Maddie M
POTG: Justin H
POTG: Collin F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 10

Deez Ballz
Deez Ballz
Deez Ballz was full of surprises. Rocking their opponent to win big in an ordinary match and placing hilarious sticky notes on peoples' backs....including mine. Needlesstosay, they were going big and not home. These crazy cats showed talent, sportsmanship and had a stealthy spurkey turkey streak. Congrats Deez Ballz you are team of the week!!
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
7:00 PM
POTG: Eric T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 17

Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
7:00 PM
POTG: Christopher G
POTG: Brian A
POTG: Jeremy M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)