Late Fall Co-ed Bowling Hollywood Bowl Tuesdays 7pm

Team Profiles

Tuesday, December 18

4 Teams Advance, all teams play!
Playoffs 12/18
Playoff Seeds:
1. The Smokin' Bowl's<br>
2. Ass Kikn Drunks* <br>
2. Spare Bears*<br>
4. BallistiX SiXX <br>
*tie for 2nd.
Playoff Format (1 v 4) v (2 v 3)
POTW: Malia Leineweber
Spare Bears
Malia burned her opponents for 225 in the 1st game of the night only to be knocked down to 205. She promptly took the 20 extra points and tried to bargain with the bar for a cocktail. They, weren't buying it, but we'll take that 20, and give you Player of the Week Malia. Way to roll!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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