Volleyball Schedule

Summer Co-ed Sand Volleyball at Eastmoreland Courts Thursdays


Thursday, June 16

GrassAssasins Hiya! forfeited to Kinky Sets.
Double Headers
Awkward Sets
Nathan Andress
Nathan Andress
Awkward Sets
Let's just call it out now - Nathan Andress of Awkward Sets is the Hardest Working Man in Show Biz, 'er, we mean Volleyball! We're thinking he might just want to move into Eastmoreland Courts on a permanent basis since he plays for not only Awkward Sets on Thursdays, but also plays for Sandy Balls on Wednesdays. We're so inspired for Nathan's love of the game and boy, did he play his heart out both nights, especially on Thursday in a double header. He led Awkward Sets in a well-fought victory in the first set, and nearly pulled off wins in sets 2 and 3, losing only by the narrowest of margins. His back row action is second to none and it's fun to see the amount of court that guy can cover. Led by this caliber of play, the Awkward Sets battled tough against Sloppy Sets in the nightcap, winning two of three sets. Congrats Nathan on your first week POTW and we're excited to watch you the rest of the season!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
POTG: Ashley O
POTG: Brian J
POTG: William B
POTG: Meghan M
7:30 PM
  Awkward Sets [2]
  Sloppy Sets [1]
POTG: Caitlin D
POTG: Darrell B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, June 23

Double Headers
Joy of Sets
Art Knepper
Art Knepper
GrassAssasins Hiya!
Welcome GrassAssassins Hiya! to Eastmoreland Sand VB on Thursdays! The GAs had to miss Opening Day last week, but came more than ready to play on Week 2. No one seemed more ready on GA than Arthur Knepper, who immediately started the jokes and cracking up all in earshot. Art was our immediate choice for POTW the minute he opened his mouth. Despite the downpour on the sand courts, his infectious humor got his teammates rockin' and energized while he went into game mode with dives into the sand that defied gravity. Art's height was the advantage at net, where he deftly deflected tips and kills. While GA lost all three sets to the Green Bombers, they stayed within winning range and were pumped to come back next week to gain ground. Win or lose, Art Knepper and GA provide the laughs and great tunes to entertain us all!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
POTG: Nathan for stepping in to sub last minute
POTG: Melissa L
POTG: Scott B
POTG: Reina J
POTG: Spencer A
7:30 PM
POTG: Katie M
  Never nudes [2]
  Volley Llamas [1]
POTG: Josh R
  Joy of Sets [1]
  Sloppy Sets [2]
POTG: Patrick A
POTG: Collier E

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, June 30

Kinky Sets forfeited to Green Bombers.
Double Headers
Serving Cerveza
Julie Sams
Julie Sams
Sloppy Sets
Our POTW goes out to Julie! Julie was unstoppable tonight! She helped lead her team to a 3-0 win by serving up some amazing plays! Her serves were out of this world. She had 3 aces in a row which lead to a game win! She was so fun to watch and listen to as she happily and excitedly motivated and communicated with her team all night long. Her contagiously fun attitude was a win for everyone around.. and her pants were super cute, too! Great game, Julie!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
  Awkward Sets [2]
  Joy of Sets [1]
POTG: Tasha H
  Serving Cerveza [0]
  Sloppy Sets [3]
POTG: Erica N
  Nice Tips! [1]
  Serves You Right [2]
POTG: Bavo D
POTG: Chelsey B
7:30 PM
POTG: Heather G
POTG: Brian J
POTG: Nicole C
  Anonymous Sets [3]
  Never nudes [0]
POTG: Miranda H
POTG: Aubrey B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 7

Hot Lava Monsters forfeited to GrassAssasins Hiya!.
Double Headers
Sand Snakes - Indy #V24
Liz Eslinger
Liz Eslinger
HALM Sand Storm
Congrats to Liz who more than earned top spot as Player of the Week! There are so many great things I could say about Liz. Number 1 being how much hustle and heart she puts in to every play of the game. She helped lead her team to a 2-1 win with her consistent passing and amazingly positioned tips. Liz always goes for the ball and will give her body to try and make that play happen. She's an excellent motivator to teammates and delivers exceptional playing skills. Congrats again to our POTW, Liz!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
  Nice Tips! [0]
  Kinky Sets [3]
POTG: Broc N
POTG: Gloria G
  HALM Sand Storm [2]
  Sloppy Sets [1]
POTG: Brenna H
7:30 PM
  Bump n' Grind [0]
  Green Bombers [3]
POTG: Katie M
POTG: Miranda H
POTG: Andrew M
POTG: Caitlin D
  Joy of Sets [1]
  Serving Cerveza [2]
POTG: Peter W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 14

Double Headers
Spike Club South
Reina Juhala
Reina Juhala
Sand Snakes - Indy #V24
Congrats to Reina the amazin' coming in as our Player of the Week! She was unstoppable tonight! Every aspect of her game was on point. She had some amazing hits from the outside that were powerful and precise as well as tips to the back corner that couldn't be beat! Her attitude and hustle are beyond admiring. Her tenacity combined with her great leadership skills make for a great game. Not to mention.. she has some of the coolest hair I've ever seen! Congrats Reina, you had a great week of playing ball!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
POTG: Terri B
POTG: Alyssa A
  Bump n' Grind [0]
  Nice Tips! [3]
7:30 PM
  Joy of Sets [3]
  HALM Sand Storm [0]
POTG: Carl R
POTG: Brian J
POTG: Samantha C
POTG: Samantha L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 21

Double Headers
Sloppy Sets
Ben Lysen
Ben Lysen
How I Set Your Mother
You can always spot Ben Lysen of How I Set Your Mother on any court because of his spectacular and unusual style of service. Ben looks like a graceful dancer as he gingerly holds the ball down low near his feet and dips from the depths to deliver a soft as a feather serve that soars way above net, then lands sooo perfectly in a spot where the opponent isn't. It's no wonder that HISYM is undefeated this season at Eastmoreland Courts, as Ben's service, setting and digging abilities are at the forefront each and every game. Thursday was no exception as HISYM defeated the Green Bombers in three sets. Ben's unique serving prowess and HISYM's incredible teamwork make a consistent winning combination!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
  Bump n' Grind [1]
  Volley Llamas [2]
POTG: Ania B
POTG: Marty N
POTG: Christie B
POTG: Marcil for last minute subbing
POTG: Darrell B
7:30 PM
POTG: Sarah D
  Kinky Sets [3]
  Serves You Right [0]
POTG: Scott B
  Sloppy Sets [3]
  Joy of Sets [0]
POTG: jonathan s
POTG: Brian J

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, July 28

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Magic Mike Takes Charge
Magic Mike Takes Charge
Sloppy Sets
Maybe he was feeling fresh after a two week break, or maybe he just wanted so badly to win, but whatever the reason, this week's POTW is Sloppy Sets' Mike Marxen. With only three players, SS had to work hard to pull off a 2-1 match vs. Awkward Sets in the 630pm game of the quarter finals in Softcore at Eastmoreland on Thursday. Magic Mike (he earned that title because he took the game so seriously that he took his shirt off) lead the charge with teammates Carli and Patrick. They covered so much of the court and amazed us with their strength and agility. Mike dove, dug, and had some really spectacular moves to display. As they advanced to the next round in the playoffs, SS took on HALM Sand Storm with renewed energy. They won the first set, faltered in the second and lost an oh-so-close one in the third, 21-19. Disappointment in the close loss didn't overshadow Mike, Carli and Patrick's outstanding effort and we congratulate you all for a tremendous sand VB season!
Sand Court 1
Sand Court 2
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
POTG: Carl R
POTG: Scott H
POTG: Chad W
  Sloppy Sets [2]
  Awkward Sets [1]
POTG: Carli B
7:30 PM
POTG: Collier E
POTG: Aubrey B
POTG: Samantha L
  Volley Llamas [1]
  Never nudes [2]
POTG: Grace C
  Sloppy Sets [1]
  HALM Sand Storm [2]
POTG: Heather G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, August 4

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Captain Collier
Captain Collier
Spike Club South
Collier Ellis is one of the most organized and well-prepared VB players we've come across at USL. Collier has been a longtime and loyal USL VB player along with his partner Stacey, and they really embody what it takes to be athletes and competitors. Playing in a semifinal match vs. Joy of Sets on Thursday at Eastmoreland, Collier showed up early to get in a pre-game workout and plot strategy for success. The preparation proved it's purpose as Spike Club South defeated Joy of Sets 2-0. Under Collier's leadership and injured Stacey's support form the sidelines, SCS was ready for the finals vs. HALM Sand Storm. Collier was masterful from the back court with dazzling saves and great setting. He shined from the service line too, with much needed points to ensure the win. Like a general, Collier had a successful battle plan and it paid off!
Sand Court 3
Sand Court 4
Sand Court 5
6:30 PM
  Never nudes [0]
  Kinky Sets [2]
POTG: Samantha L
POTG: Chad W
POTG: Heather H
7:30 PM
POTG: Jeff C
POTG: Heather G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)