Kickball Standings

Summer Co-ed Softcore Kickball at Alberta Park Thursdays

Drei Streifen photo First Place Trophy

SUM[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at Alberta Park Thursdays

  Drei Streifen

True Champions
Speed wins

It was a beautiful, sunny day @ Alberta Park this Thursday as the teams arrived ready to battle for the league championship. I took field 2 at which Drei Streifen battled Shake n' Bake, while Mark Mendak umped the game between North Ballers and I kicked Uranus.
The first 2 games made it clear who was going to be in the championship game as Drei Streifen handled Shake n' Bake relatively easily with a 12-7 win. In the end, it was excellent kick placement, risky base running, and pure speed that earned the victory. Jeremy Darlow walked away with the POG for sacrificing his body on a barrel roll into 3rd base avoiding a would-be tagout. Drei Steifen effectively took advantage of some weak spots in their opponents' defense to ensure their victory.
On the other field, North Ballers came away with an easy 17-7 victory over I kicked Uranus. This was a more physical battle, as most of the members of I kicked Uranus (who were working with a depleted roster) limped away with minor injuries. I kicked Uranus saved face by providing the POG David Rey (sp?) who made a fantastic catch.
The consolation game provided no consolation to I kicked Uranus as they were handed their 2nd double digit loss of the night 15-2. At this point in the evening, the team morale was a bit low, as was their performance due to injuries. It was not for a lack of effort, however, as they showed courage and hustle throughout the game not only in their defense, but also is their courageous, yet risky, base running. Greg Schroeder (Shake n' Bake) walked away from with game as the POG for an amazing throw home to prevent a runner from scoring. Greg fielded a great kick from about 10 feet behind third base and hurled the ball toward home plate to hit the bottom of the base runner's back foot as hit front foot was above home plate. Simply amazing.
On the Championship field, there was not a dull moment as screams from each team could be heard from great distances. Again, base-running was the determining factor in this game as the speedy Drei Streifen stole the victory from North Ballers in the last inning of play. Of all the speedsters on Drei Streifen, Andee Anderson had the biggest impact in both games as the consistently beat throws to first. She walked away with POG honors for her lightning-quick base running.
Congrats to Drei Streifen, who was also playing with a depleted roster!

View Drei Streifen Team Page
North Ballers photo
Second Place Trophy

SUM[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at Alberta Park Thursdays
Second Place

North Ballers

View Team Page
Shake n' Bake photo
Third Place Trophy

SUM[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at Alberta Park Thursdays
Third Place

Shake n' Bake

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Drei Streifen
8 1 0 16 47
  Shake n' Bake
7 2 0 14 59
  I kicked Uranus
6 3 0 12 72
  North Ballers
5 (1)º 4 0 10 53
  Kicks and Giggles
2 4 (1)º 1 5 45
  Brews on First- Indy #1
2 4 1 5 69
  Ball Busters
1 6 0 2 74
  Team Short Bus Short Shorts
0 7 0 0 93
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.