Summer Co-ed Softball at Montavilla Sundays

Team Profiles

Sunday, August 1

Top 7 Teams Advance playoffs on 8/1
Watch this space for seeding information and game times...
1. Perfect Strangers
2. Sons of Pitches*
3. Base Invaders
4. PDX Bombers*
5. Where my pitches at?
6. SWAT*
7. No Glove, No Love

Tie Breakers
*Head to Head

1v(4v5) VS (2v7)v(3v6)

POTW: Perfect Strangers
POTW: Perfect Strangers
Perfect Strangers
This week's award goes to the entire Perfect Strangers team for an all around championship effort. They pulled together to make this a memorable run deep into the playoffs and worked great as a whole to become champions. Everyone did something to make the team better and it definitely resulted in a great championship performance.
Field 2
11:00 AM
POTG: Dennis M
12:30 PM
  Base Invaders [14]
  SWAT [10]
POTG: Mathew F
2:00 PM
POTG: Sean E
3:30 PM
POTG: Sarah H
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
POTG: The Perfect Strangers

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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