Fall Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood Bowl Tuesdays

Team Profiles

Tuesday, November 9

Playoffs 11/9
Watch this space for seeding information and game times...
1. Wild Turkeys
2. Dry Bumpers-Indy1*
3. Gutter Punks
4. Cobra Kai Hit Squad

*won head to head tie break

9-Pin No-Tap:
5. Rolling Thunder-Indy
6. Pick-Adze-Strike
POTW: Dry Bumpers
POTW: Dry Bumpers
Dry Bumpers-Indy #1
Dry Bumpers may have lost the Spirit Award by 2 tickets this session, but you wouldn't have known it from the looks of tonight. Spirit was pouring out of lane 46 and also from their friends Pick-Adze-Strike on 48. They created their own theme for the night with Pick-Adze and brought music to back it up. It was prom night on these two lanes. Complete with puffy dresses, ruffled tuxes, and classic prom jams from the 80s and 90s. You set high standards this league, Dry Bumpers. We can't wait for you to break them next season.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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