Volleyball Schedule

Winter Softcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Wednesdays

Wednesday, February 15

Patrick  Arcinas
Patrick Arcinas
Patrick Kicks Off Winter League with a Serving Clinic
Patrick Arcinas was more than ready to go during Opening Night for Wednesday Softcore Winter League at Tubman. He fired up point after point from the service line for the Sloppy Sets in their match vs. Air Bud Strikes Back. The Sloppys won the first set behind the bombardment of Patrick's hard and accurate serving, and his great setting from mid court. Need a timely assist? Patrick can pull one out of his pocket with accuracy and style! Year after year, he wins our admiration for being one of the most consistent volleyballers in all of USL, both indoor and on the sand. Dependable and talented, Patrick is our choice for POTW and we know it's not his first honor in that role!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  De Foes [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Daniel M
7:15 PM
  Air Bud Spikes Back [2]
  Sloppy Sets [1]
POTG: Claire O
8:15 PM
  The Volley Lama [2]
  Blundercats [1]
POTG: Marcie from Air Bud for subbing!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, February 22

Adrienne Tozier de la Poterie
Adrienne Tozier de la Poterie
If Adrienne Tozier de la Poterie is anything, she's DEPENDABLE! This woman is rock solid when it comes to volleyball. From flawless, hard and accurate serving to assists and settings that are spot on and terrific net play, Adri can be counted on to bring the goods every week. The Blundercats battled the Straight Shots volley for volley in the first set behind Adri's pounding and consistent service, but came up a bit short, 26-24 and also dropped the last two sets. The losses were offset by Adri's great sportswomanship, with jokes and fun in the midst of competition. I'm sure if you needed a teammate on any sort of project or endeavor, Adri would be the ultimate doer, because you can count on a job well done!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  De Foes [1]
  Sloppy Sets [2]
POTG: Lynnea S
7:15 PM
  The Volley Lama [3]
  Air Bud Spikes Back [0]
8:15 PM
  Straight Shots [3]
  Blundercats [0]
POTG: Sarah P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, March 1

Joel Thompson
Joel Thompson
De Foes
Early in the first game, Joel went up for a hit and caught the net on his way down. He called himself on the touch, giving the other team the point! After that, 3 or 4 different players called themselves on touching the net, despite the fact that it was the most competitive game I've seen in a long time. Way to set the tone for an amazing match, Joel!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  Air Bud Spikes Back [1]
  De Foes [2]
7:15 PM
  Sloppy Sets [1]
  Blundercats [2]
POTG: Aaron K
8:15 PM
  The Volley Lama [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Kevin B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, March 8

Let's Honor Women!
Let's Honor Women!
De Foes
Wednesday was International Women's Day and our POTW award this week goes to Seth Engelhard for doing his part to give gals a shout out. And play some really great volleyball as well. Wearing a t-shirt that read, "feminine as f--k", Seth let it be known that he's a female fan, but besides that, his game was really on point during De Foes match vs. Blundercats. Seth didn't miss a serve and made some really nifty one-armed saves to keep the rallies going. His ups and defensive net play were standouts, especially in the third game where De Foes pulled out a 25-22 win after dropping the first two sets. Seth, thanks for being man enough to wear a feminist t-shirt and showing your love for the ladies!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  The Volley Lama [3]
  Sloppy Sets [0]
POTG: Ryan D
7:15 PM
  Blundercats [2]
  De Foes [1]
POTG: Nathan S
8:15 PM
  Straight Shots [3]
  Air Bud Spikes Back [0]
POTG: Claire O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, March 15

Dan's the Man
Dan's the Man
Straight Shots
The Straight Shots have a secret weapon on their squad in Dan MacNeil. While he's a pretty quiet and mild-mannered guy, Dan's volleyball skills speak loudly. The Shots were able to sweep the Sloppy Sets on Wednesday with Dan at the forefront of the competition. His defense was particularly fabulous during games 1 and 2 especially in the back row as first attack. His internal clock must be extremely accurate, because Dan never misses an assist, block, set or up - he's always right place, right time. So even though he's the silent type, is a sneaky good competitor - watch out!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  Sloppy Sets [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Carli B
7:15 PM
  De Foes [1]
  The Volley Lama [2]
POTG: Nathan A
8:15 PM
  Blundercats [2]
  Air Bud Spikes Back [1]
POTG: Robert Murray B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, March 22

Allan Rudwick
Allan Rudwick
Allan's the Baddest Cat at Softcore
Cat of the Night (er,, POTW) at Tubman Wednesday Softcore is Allan Rudwick. He pulled out all claws and decided to scratch out two out of three sets over the always tough Straight Shots. Allan took advantage of his strength at net by launching bombs of kills at exact points of attack. This strategy worked very well as his accuracy showed especially in Game One. Allan's no slouch in the defense department either, with a few incredible ups to keep volleys going to rack up the tally for the 'Cats. March Madness is in full swing on the volleyball court and leading the charge is Allan - congrats!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  Air Bud Spikes Back [1]
  The Volley Lama [2]
POTG: Robert Murray B
7:15 PM
  Straight Shots [1]
  Blundercats [2]
POTG: Karina S
8:15 PM
  De Foes [1]
  Sloppy Sets [2]
POTG: Julie S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, April 5

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Sloppy Sets' Aaron Katrena Gets Up!
Sloppy Sets' Aaron Katrena Gets Up!
Sloppy Sets
Aaron Katrena is a beast in getting to as many digs and saves as humanly possible. This guy body sacrifices every week and it's amazing that he can maintain his intensity game in and game out. He was definitely ready for the Softcore playoffs on Wednesday at Tubman, bringing incredible energy to the Sloppy Sets' performance in the opening round vs. De Foes. Aaron has a one armed serve in which he throws it up with one hand and serves with the same one - so clever, with accuracy and force! His many digs were key to the Sloppys' win over De Foes in the first round. On to the second round vs, Straight Shots, where Aaron kept the energy going by engaging in intense volleys and kills. Unfortunately, the Sloppys came out to the end of their season in defeat to the Straight Shots, but Aaron and company had an incredible effort throughout all!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  De Foes [0]
  Sloppy Sets [3]
POTG: Lynnea S
7:15 PM
  Sloppy Sets [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Crystal H
8:15 PM
  Air Bud Spikes Back [2]
  Blundercats [1]
POTG: Grant D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, April 12

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Alicia Starkey
Alicia Starkey
Air Bud Spikes Back
This week's POTW goes to Alicia Starkey, captain of Air Bud Strikes Back not only because she's a terrific teammate, but because she has managed to bring Air Bud to a new level of play. When they first joined USL, Air Bud struggled to win games let alone make it to the semifinals of the playoffs. Well, that was then and this is now because Air Bud, behind Alicia's amazing leadership, has made themselves into a bona fide contender. Winning in the first round of the Softcore playoffs at Tubman last week, Air Bud found themselves in a match last night vs. Volley Lamas for a chance to play in the finals. Air Bud did all they could to up end the Volleys charge and they battled to a win in the first set, dropped the second, and ultimately were defeated in the match in the third set. But the games were close and Alicia was encouraging and directing her team to play at the best of their ability. So here's to a great season Air Bud Strikes Back and our hats are off to Alicia for her fabulous coaching!
  Court 1
6:15 PM
  Air Bud Spikes Back [1]
  The Volley Lama [2]
POTG: Grant D
7:15 PM
  The Volley Lama [0]
  Straight Shots [2]
POTG: Caitlin D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)