Volleyball Standings

Winter Midcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Thursdays

Net Ninjas!  photo First Place Trophy

Winter Midcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Thursdays

  Net Ninjas!

Net Ninjas Get Their Due
Great Team Effort in Semis and Finals to Emerge Victorious in Midcore Championship

After a frustrating couple of seasons where they faltered in the Midcore finals, the Net Ninjas decided that wasn't going to happen Thursday night at Tubman and finally reach their goal as champions. Led by POTW and Captain Scott Hoback's unbelievable heroics, the Ninjas let loose a fearsome attack to fight their way to the USL coveted championship headbands. After a lackluster showing and loss in the first set of the semifinal game vs. Some Spike It Hot, the Ninjas huddled and strategized some changes in rotation and defense. With Gloria, Chris and Sam's steady service, Niall, Nicole and Scott made sure that the net and back rows were covered by some pretty incredible volleys and digs. Through this steady teamwork, the Ninjas came back to win the final two sets and secure their spot in the championship game vs. Spiketastic, who had bested the Dinkheads in a 2-0 match earlier in the evening. With their semifinal game momentum going, the Ninjas never looked back and battled to a two game sweep of Spiketastic and finally put those USL headbands on to seal the deal. Congrats to all the Thursday Midcore teams this past Winter season - you made for some really great competition to enjoy!

View Net Ninjas! Team Page
Spiketastic  photo
Second Place Trophy

Winter Midcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Thursdays
Second Place


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Some Spike it Hot photo
Third Place Trophy

Winter Midcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Thursdays
Third Place

Some Spike it Hot

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Net Ninjas!
7 (1)º 2 0 14 8
5 2 0 10 6
  Some Spike it Hot
5 3 0 10 10
5 (1)º 4 0 10 13
  Scrappy Killmore
2 (1)º 5 (1)º 0 4 10
  Block party
2 5 0 4 14
  Sets on the Beach
1 6 (2)º 0 2 10
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.