Kickball Schedule

Fall Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Sewallcrest Park Sundays

Sunday, August 29

Double Headers
Schweddy Balls
POTW: Patrick Agate
POTW: Patrick Agate
Recess Renegades
Patrick brought his "A" game today along with the help of his teammates pumping each other up for an epic game against the Douche Newtons. With the Recess Renegades threatening to take down the returning champs in their first game back this season Patrick stepped up his defense and intensity late in the game. He moved between spectacular leaping catches that everyone assumed would make it over his head at third base, to mega-range fielding of fly balls almost out-of-play. With the game tied 8-8 in the top of the 7th inning Patrick did let out a little secret though...he was nervous about their possible upset on Week 1. Oh well, it sure didn't show!
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  One Kick Wonders [10]
  Canada? [2]
POTG: Frieda T
12:00 PM
  Kicking Sunday Mass [5]
  El Diablo Roboticos [14]
POTG: Nick T
1:00 PM
  M.B.A-Holes [3]
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [8]
POTG: Lucas H
2:00 PM
  Your Balls My Foot! [16]
  M.B.A-Holes [3]
POTG: Tyler W
3:00 PM
  The Ball Kickers [3]
  Menace to Sobriety [8]
POTG: Jenna G
4:00 PM
  Brews on First [1]
  Booze On First? [12]
POTG: Eric T
5:00 PM
  Douche Newton's [9]
  Recess Renegades [8]
POTG: Matt F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 12

POTW: Katrina Bouchard
POTW: Katrina Bouchard
The Ball Kickers
Katrina is a regular at Sewallcrest throughout the entire day and always on the lookout for Andre..."I see you Andre!" is now famous! Today though, Katrina was on the lookout for something least with her nose. As catcher Katrina decided to do something a bit less main-stream and socially accepted. She decided to sniff people's hair. Well, at least one person as she causally mentioned, "your hair smells nice" as they walked to the plate. From now on Katrina may very well be known as the "hair sniffer seeking Andre".
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  Douche Newton's [6]
  Schweddy Balls [6]
POTG: Laura M
12:00 PM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [0]
  El Diablo Roboticos [10]
POTG: Emily J
1:00 PM
  Kicking Sunday Mass [6]
  The Ball Kickers [2]
POTG: Amy Alexander & Kyle Baggott
2:00 PM
  Canada? [9]
  M.B.A-Holes [4]
POTG: Gabe Mickartz
3:00 PM
  Brews on First [4]
  Recess Renegades [8]
POTG: Kristel B
4:00 PM
  Your Balls My Foot! [3]
  Booze On First? [7]
POTG: Glen L
5:00 PM
  One Kick Wonders [5]
  Menace to Sobriety [7]
POTG: Grant B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 19

POTW: Tracy Loewen
POTW: Tracy Loewen
Kicking Sunday Mass
Usually the Player of the Week award will go to someone that made an interesting or spectacular play or showed spirit of some sort that stood out that week. This week it goes to Tracy who as captain couldn't think of anyone that really stood out from her team so she just said, "ah, I don't know...just give it to me!" It's that amazing sense of teamwork and friendship among Kicking Sunday Mass that keeps them on top of their game week after week.
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  Brews on First [5]
  The Ball Kickers [9]
POTG: Jason P
12:00 PM
  Schweddy Balls [10]
  Your Balls My Foot! [3]
POTG: Amy & Grant
1:00 PM
  Kicking Sunday Mass [7]
  Canada? [4]
POTG: Tracy L
2:00 PM
  El Diablo Roboticos [15]
  One Kick Wonders [9]
3:00 PM
  Menace to Sobriety [6]
  M.B.A-Holes [5]
POTG: Grant B
4:00 PM
  Booze On First? [8]
  Recess Renegades [9]
5:00 PM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [5]
  Douche Newton's [14]
POTG: Corrine C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 26

POTW: Whole Team
POTW: Whole Team
Recess Renegades
The Renegades didn't let crappy field conditions curb their drive to win on Sunday. A stacked lineup put up 8 runs on the board and was backed up by some superb defense from captain Patrick and POTG Carrie. The Renegades also displayed amazing sportsmanship, cheering on every player, regardless of team affiliation. Also, it never hurts your POTW chances to help out the ref by retrieving a ball kicked into the neighboring community garden.
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [7]
  Canada? [5]
POTG: Mike Daloofa
12:00 PM
  One Kick Wonders [5]
  Brews on First [2]
POTG: Michael T
1:00 PM
  Recess Renegades [8]
  The Ball Kickers [1]
POTG: Carrie V
2:00 PM
  Kicking Sunday Mass [1]
  M.B.A-Holes [12]
POTG: Rick S
3:00 PM
  Your Balls My Foot! [11]
  Douche Newton's [7]
4:00 PM
  Menace to Sobriety [7]
  El Diablo Roboticos [11]
POTG: Logan C
5:00 PM
  Schweddy Balls [13]
  Booze On First? [2]
POTG: Anna Briggs

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 3

POTW: Trevor Spano
POTW: Trevor Spano
A super awesome catch was made by a super awesome dude! In the first half of the game Trevor was playing second base and made one of the most spectacular catches (the best I've seen this season) for a key out that put Canada? in position to take the momentum and eventually the game! Trevor's unique Matrix-like spin to his left and backwards he gave up his entire body to snatch the ball out of mid-air to everyone's surprise!
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  M.B.A-Holes [2]
  El Diablo Roboticos [8]
POTG: Super Subs & Brian
12:00 PM
  Brews on First [5]
  Kicking Sunday Mass [4]
POTG: AJ Hamil
1:00 PM
  Schweddy Balls [15]
  Recess Renegades [1]
POTG: Anna Briggs
2:00 PM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [17]
  One Kick Wonders [9]
POTG: Sarah P
3:00 PM
  Canada? [22]
  The Ball Kickers [10]
POTG: Trevor S
4:00 PM
  Menace to Sobriety [2]
  Your Balls My Foot! [3]
POTG: Danielle S
5:00 PM
  Douche Newton's [4]
  Booze On First? [3]
POTG: Corrine C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 10

POTW: Kevin Ripka
POTW: Kevin Ripka
El Diablo Roboticos!
This week's POW has to go to Kevin from El Diablo Roboticos! Not only does he have to put up with the little diablo's on his team he has to at home as well...or they put up with him maybe??? If steam burns/blisters aren't bad enough in the first place does his entire family have to be making the recovery process start all over again...twice! To top that off Kevin was seriously depressed that his run didn't count when he crossed the plate...after the third out of course. Oh well, Kevin kept up the high spirits and positive team thoughts and laughs anyway.
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  One Kick Wonders [16]
  Kicking Sunday Mass [4]
POTG: Leah Fisher
12:00 PM
  Douche Newton's [5]
  Menace to Sobriety [10]
POTG: Jenna G
1:00 PM
  Brews on First [5]
  Your Balls My Foot! [6]
POTG: Leah J
2:00 PM
  Schweddy Balls [9]
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [3]
POTG: Neil B
3:00 PM
  Canada? [3]
  Recess Renegades [9]
POTG: Thing One & Thing Two
4:00 PM
  El Diablo Roboticos [8]
  Booze On First? [7]
POTG: Julie M
5:00 PM
  M.B.A-Holes [10]
  The Ball Kickers [7]
POTG: The Entire MBA-Hole Team!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 17

Playoffs on 10/17 and 10/24...Top 11 Teams Advance
Watch this space for seeding information and game times...
1. El Diablo Roboticos
2. Schweddy Balls
3. Your Balls My Foot!
4. Menace to Sobriety
5. Recess Renegades
6. Douche Newtons
7. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
8. One Kick Wonders
9. Booze on First?
10. Kicking Sunday Mass
11. Canada?

((1v(8v9)) vs (4v5)
((2v(7v10))vs ((3v(6v11)
POTW: Emily Johnson
POTW: Emily Johnson
El Diablo Roboticos
Softball players shouldn't be allowed to play...they're too good. That's according to El Diablo Roboticos after their own teammate, Emily, made a truly amazing catch. It was the bottom of the 7th inning and Booze On First had a player on first base and zero outs. A hard kick down the right field line looked to almost everyone as a sure least a double. From all accounts it was the start of a rally by Booze to come back from double digits. Emily just said, NO! With a hard sprint towards the ball Emily got there just in time to stick her left hand out to stop the ball...Wait! She didn't just make a one-handed catch did she??? Yes she did but she didn't stop there! A rope of a throw back to first base from right field doubled up the runner who got caught not tagging up in time. With that Emily stopped all hopes of a late rally and sealed the game for El Diablo Roboticos. Oh, and Kevin nor his scabs get anything this week!
  Field 1
11:00 AM
  Douche Newton's [4]
  Canada? [2]
POTG: Gary C
12:00 PM
  Your Balls My Foot! [8]
  Douche Newton's [4]
POTG: Brendan O
1:00 PM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [5]
  Kicking Sunday Mass [2]
POTG: Renee R
2:00 PM
  Schweddy Balls [6]
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [8]
POTG: Mae Wilson
3:00 PM
  One Kick Wonders [8]
  Booze On First? [9]
4:00 PM
  El Diablo Roboticos [12]
  Booze On First? [2]
POTG: Emily J
5:00 PM
  Recess Renegades [1]
  Menace to Sobriety [7]
POTG: Jennesa D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 24

  Field 1
2:00 PM
3:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 31

POTW: All dem bots
POTW: All dem bots
El Diablo Roboticos
It was a hard decision on who to give POW to this week but when it came down to it I believe the entire El Diablo Roboticos crew deserved it. Any one person could have earned honorable mention on their team this week. Plays like Tim's over-the-head catch, Emily's stealth solid defense in right field, Sarah's bendiness, or the Jester's dud of a performance all stick out in my mind. Way to go El Diablo crew!
  Field 1
1:00 PM
  El Diablo Roboticos [10]
  Menace to Sobriety [5]
POTG: Sonny T
2:00 PM
  Little Lebowski Urban Achievers [10]
  Your Balls My Foot! [11]
POTG: Peter M
3:00 PM
  El Diablo Roboticos [13]
  Your Balls My Foot! [9]
POTG: Emily J

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)