Winter Wednesday Big Turkey Bowling at Powell Pro 300

Team Profiles

Wednesday, March 2

Top 4 Teams Advance, ALL TEAMS BOWL!
(1 v 4) vs (3 v 2)
League Ranking:

1. Balls of Justice 1*
2. Guys and dolls who love to roll balls
3. Hi Ballers-2-Electric Boogaloo*
4. Putty Buddies

*Head to Head
POTW: kristin jablonski
POTW: kristin jablonski
Guys and dolls who love to roll balls
Kristin, Kristin! Your AMAZING score of 196 in Game 1 of playoffs was quite impressive! As were your air guitar skills (don't think I didn't notice!) and general rocking out on the lanes. Your superb bowling helped push your team to the semi-finals as well as earn the title of Wednesday Night Bowling Champs...let's work on the Wednesday Night Air Guitar Championship next season! Way to go!
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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