Bowling Schedule

Winter Westside Thursday Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Valley Lanes

Thursday, February 3

POTW: Amy Alexander
POTW: Amy Alexander
DTB (Down To Bowl)
The "outcast" amongst the religious themed night of DTB, Amy decided to forgo the Nun/Priest attire that the rest of the team donned and go out on her own as a Catholic school girl. Apparently she even got the attention of the local "character" from the bar that wanted to join her team at the start of the night, then outcast them by nights end. Honorable mention this week of course goes to Jessica as well for entertaining the aforementioned local character but unfortunately she wasn't able to get the singers autograph quite dare she!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 10

POTW: The King Pin Crew
POTW: The King Pin Crew
King Pins
This week's Player of the Week goes to the entire team of the King Pins! A veteran team, the King Pins have shown their energy and enthusiasm towards doing whatever they can to NOT dress up for theme nights in the past. This week was different as they were down-right giddy showing off their sunglasses at night. In fact, Liz even did right by Underdog of staying true to the theme the entire night...including hitting the bathrooms in her sunglasses.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 17

POTW: Stan and The Ogre
POTW: Stan and The Ogre
The Bowling Stones
This week's Player of the Week goes to Stan and The Ogre...the oh so awesome jocks from Revenge of the Nerds! These two would've put a beat down on The Bowling Stones this week who were dressed up as none other than "The Nerds". Complete with suspenders and propeller hats the Stones crew earned their spirit coupons tonight with various snorts to go along with their laughs (at each other none-the-less).
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 24

POTW: The Birds
POTW: The Birds
TEA Mascots
"Put a Bird on it!" was this weeks award winner for best dressed! In tribute to "Portlandia" the TEA Mascots put birds on everything tonight and it ended up working for them as they edged out their opponents tonight. The chirps could be heard through the bowling alley all night as the birds kept their hot hands. I would say they may have to wear their birds the rest of the season but I'm sure they put birds on just about everything in their life so it probably goes unspoken that they'd do the same for bowling. Tweet tweet, chirp chirp! This bowling ball looks sad, put a bird on it! Those pins look like they can use a makeover, put a bird on them!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 3

POTW: Suburban Crew
POTW: Suburban Crew
Suburban Strikers
With one of if not the largest roster Underdog has ever seen for bowling the Suburban Strikers bring the excitement week after week. Playing against their "kindred spirit", DTB, the Suburban crew did all they could to focus on their own enjoyment of the night regardless of how many "drinks" they were playing against. This week didn't go the way they planned but they're sure to have a final show-down in week six...who'll come out ahead on that one?!?!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 10

Top 4 Teams Advance... ALL TEAMS BOWL!
(1v4) V (2v3)
League Ranking:

1. TEA Mascots
2. The Bowling Stones
3. Skull Ball Society
4. King Pins

5. DTB (Down to Bowl)
6. Suburban Strikers
POTW: The Bowling Stones Crew
POTW: The Bowling Stones Crew
The Bowling Stones
The Bowling Stones earned themselves not another second place, but a first place in this weeks Player of the Week! After a heart-breaking championship game and Spirit Award competition they were by far the best team to hit the Valley Lanes bar at the end of the night! With the Karaoke rocking the beat from Fresh Prince, Casey showed us his mad-rhyming skills while the entire bar game him a round of applause after.

Way to go Stones, you came in first at the end of the night afterall!
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)