Bowling Schedule

Spring Co-Ed Thursday Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood 7p

Thursday, February 24

Schweaty Balls forfeited to Irritable Bowl Syndrome.
POTW: Nicole Forsi
POTW: Nicole Forsi
Indy #1
Nicole definitely earned her spot as captain of Hell on Balls (Indy #1). She helped kick the league off right, supplying the entire team with intimidatingly awesome bandannas. Although they weren't able to get on the scoreboard this week and had to battle a faulty lane all night, Nicole and the rest of Hell on Balls kept up their spirits and had a blast. Looking forward to seeing the bandannas again next week.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 3

POTW: Russell Barker
POTW: Russell Barker
No Pin Left Behind
In a night where fake mustaches filled the lanes, Russell went legit, sporting an all natural stache on his upper lip. He spent hours in front of the mirror trying out a few styles, but ultimately settled on "The Creeper". Quite the stache, Russell.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 10

POTW: Mardi-Bowl
POTW: Mardi-Bowl
Hells on Balls-Indy #1
Hells on Balls turned the lanes into Fat Thursday, putting a Mardi Gras theme to lane 40. Gold, green, and purple were everywhere and so were the beads. Although you may not have earned points for the bowling, you do earn points for the Mardi Gras Party. I'm not sure I earned them, but thanks for the beads.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 17

POTW: The Howdy-Rollers
POTW: The Howdy-Rollers
adi Rollers
The Adi-Rollers became the Howdy-Rollers tonight. Everyone dusted off their chaps, badges, and hats and came to showdown with the pins. They also started the night with some true cowboy generosity, giving everyone in the league a coupon for an Adidas shopping spree. They showed the pins who's sheriff of BTB.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 24

3 Hole Patrol , Spare Me
POTW: Jon Berkner
POTW: Jon Berkner
Hells on Balls-Indy #1
You gotta give player of the week to the guy who pulls out a prize coupon dated from June of 2009! Still in the shape of his wallet from being locked in there all these months, Jon decided to finally let go of the past and use this masterpiece that he earned on Drinks on the Links from two years ago. Jon, you're a trouper for not losing this after so long...way to go!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 31

Playoffs on 3/31: Top 4 Teams Advance... ALL Teams Bowl
(1v4) V (2v3)
League Rankings:

1. Two Fingers, One Thumb
2. adi rollers
3. Pin Aisle Dysfunction
4. Hell on Balls - Indy #1

Top 4 teams compete for #1, all teams bowl!
POTW: Liz Bacon
POTW: Liz Bacon
Douche Newtons 2
Douche Newtons 2 have shown their spirit throughout the entire season. Tonight, a late arrival/hero flew her way to lanes to give her support. Half way through the last game, not only did Liz think it important to show up to root with only a couple frames left, she did it in her amazing Douche Newton super hero costume. It was complete with backward Ns, spandex, yellow rubber boots, mighty sword, and, of course, a flowing cape. Her super power tonight was making the entire team freeze... to admire the great costume.
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)