Flag Football Standings

Rain Bowl 4

First Place Trophy

FALL[11] 2011 Rain Bowl - Storm

  Wet Hot Pink

Inspiration Dance
Thrilling Victory

In the cold and under the lights at Lewis and Clark two teams came together with one goal in mind.....a championship. Button Hookers vs Wet Hot Pink exchanged hand shakes and smiles, but once the whistle blew at the beginning, the smiles were wiped off and it was all business.
In the 1st half it was a tight game with both teams scoring when they wanted to and both knew that some changes had to be made. Captain Rob Norton from Wet Hot Pink did his best Ray Lewis speech and dance to inspire his team to play like maniacs.
In the 2nd half Rob took over on defense deflecting a few passes and making critical plays by sacking the QB a couple of times. The rest of his players got the memo and stepped up their game as well. On offense they continued to score and on defense they cohesively played as one.
With a 32-30 lead and no time left on the clock, Button Hookers are attempting a two point conversion to force an overtime. Everyone was chanting and cheering as if there were 40,000 fans on the field. The ball is snapped and the QB drops back for a pass. The rush count is counted and the rusher comes in to put pressure on the QB. He throws a pass to a receiver open in the end zone. Then, just like superman flying out of no where, Rob Norton comes flying in to bat the ball down. for a split second everyone got quite as the ball hit the ground. Once the final whistle blew a celebration commenced among Wet Hot Pink as they held off The Button Hookers in a thrilling 30-32 win.

View Wet Hot Pink Team Page

FALL[11] 2011 Rain Bowl - Storm Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Bionic Hamstrings 4 1 0 8 134
2   Reply to All 4 1 0 8 93
3   Wet Hot Pink 5 0 1 11 128
4   InsideTrack Attack 2 2 0 4 81
5   Buttonhookers 3 2 1 7 156
6   Safely Blitzed 1 3 0 2 99
7   Going Deep 2 3 0 4 124
8   Occupy Endzones - Indy #1 2 3 0 4 175
9   Man Punts 0 4 0 0 134
10   Hold My Duck 0 4 0 0 176
NOTE: These rankings have been manually adjusted to reflect external criteria.
First Place Trophy

FALL[11] 2011 Rain Bowl - Flood

  How's My Dictate

Championship or Bust
Flawless Victory

One game at a time was their motto. How's My Dictate made the long trip from Seattle to play in Portland's 4th Rainbowl. Stiff and muscles sore from the 3 hour trip, but once they got on the field and cracked their necks side-to-side, How's My Dictate was ready to go.
Taking one game at a time, they made the championship game that was sure to be a good one, Rastabouts vs How's My Dictate.
Both teams came out pumped on defense with the 1st touchdown score came late in the 1st half. Going into half time the score was 14-7 in favor of How's My Dictate.
Captain Matt Kim did not like that they were only up by one touchdown, so he gave an inspiring talk that got everyone fired up. Once the whistle sounded to start the 2nd half Brian Welsh took it personally and put his team on his back and made amazing defensive plays to stop the Rastabouts and force a 4th and long multiple times. Brian ended up with a couple of picks and big defensive stops. But he was also the 1st one to shake everyone's hand showing his class and sportsmanship.
Brian was inspired by what Matt had to say at halftime to lead his team to a 50-20 victory. How's My Dictate was championship or bust and they got the gold. Congratulations.

View How's My Dictate Team Page

FALL[11] 2011 Rain Bowl - Flood Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Hardcore Fun Seekers 4 1 0 8 127
2   How's My Dictate 6 0 0 12 131
3   Balls and Dolls 3 1 0 6 114
4   Alcoholics Anonymous 1 3 0 2 107
5   Roustabouts 3 3 0 6 225
6   Favre Dollar Footlongs 2 3 0 4 205
7   Gravy Robbers 0 4 0 0 150
8   TemperMental 0 4 0 0 171
NOTE: These rankings have been manually adjusted to reflect external criteria.
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.