Bowling Standings

Spring Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood Wednesdays

Pin Heads photo First Place Trophy

SPR[12] Spring Co-ed Big Turkey Bowling at Hollywood Wednesdays

  Pin Heads

More like "Win" Heads

Just seven days after claiming "Team of the Week" for their great sportsmanship, the "Pin Heads", who were tied for 1st going into Wednesday night playoffs, bowled superbly, and came away with the BTB Championship title.

After a hard-fought playoff game, the Pin Heads rallied, tightened their bowling shoes, and sat their drinks down just long enough to bowl their way to victory.

They then finished their drinks, exchanged fond farewells, and exited the bowling alley with the (pin) heads held high.

True champions on the lanes and off, -- CONGRATS PIN HEADS! You rock!

View Pin Heads Team Page
  Team Total Score
1   Body By Bowling 20
2   Pin Heads 20
3   Dry Bumpers 16
4   Jesus in Blue Jeans 15
5   Chaos 11
6   We all met on 11
7   Multiple Scoregasms 6
8   The Bowl Cuts-Indy #1 1
NOTE: These rankings have been manually adjusted to reflect external criteria.
How are Standings Calculated?
Teams are ranked by their cumulative score throughout the season.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.