Volleyball Schedule

Winter Softcore Volleyball at Friendly House Thursdays


Thursday, February 21

Eva Wilson
Eva Wilson
Sharp Cheddar Setters
What a great first game of the season by Eva. She was all over the court getting the ball and covering her teammates. At one point of the night she dove for the ball and got an amazing pancake getting the ball up and her teammate was able to touch the ball. Eva is a teammate that you want on your team, she’s great a communicating where she is while on the court and she encourages them as well. Other teams should watch out because Eva is a versatile athlete that can play all positions. Keep it up Eva!!

6:15 PM
  Block It Like It's Hot [2]
  Sharp Cheddar Setters [1]
POTG: Heather H
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 28

Jason Kuczek
Jason Kuczek
Let's Talk About Sets, Baby - Indy #V13
What an awesome game by Jason tonight. He was flying all around the court going after each play. Other teams better watch out when it’s his serve, he’s got quite the power serve. He is quick to encroached his teammates to rally or congratulate on an awesome play. His shining moment tonight was when he spiked a ball off of a bumped ball coming over and did it two more times in a row gaining his team the point. Keep the spikes coming Jason!
6:15 PM
7:15 PM
  Sharp Cheddar Setters [3]
  Blue Dragons - Indy #V14 [0]
POTG: Katie C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 7

No Games 3/14 - Gym unavailable
Blake Gordon
Blake Gordon
Indy #V14
Great game tonight by Blake. He was going after each ball and was ready to support his teammates. On and off the court he cheers his teammates. Blake encourages his teammates and celebrates with them on successful move. Teammates like Blake are important to boosting team moral, keep up the positivity.
6:15 PM
7:15 PM
  Blue Dragons - Indy #V14 [0]
  Block It Like It's Hot [3]
POTG: Casey N

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 21

Collin Winn
Collin Winn
Block It Like It's Hot
Team Captain for the winnnnn! Collin killed it tonight he was all over the court just ready for the ball. He followed the ball so well that it’s like he floated in the air just ready for his teammates digged ball and tipped it over gaining the point. Collin is an awesome team player, encouraging his teammates after a play. He also celebrates with them for an awesome volley and/or move. Keep it up Collin!
6:15 PM
7:15 PM
  Block It Like It's Hot [0]
  Sharp Cheddar Setters [3]
POTG: Steve M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, March 28

Allison Busse
Allison Busse
Blue Dragons - Indy #V14
Allison is the player of the week! She showed her patience and flexibility tonight. Instead of fighting low ceiling she worked with it. Not once but twice Allison was there to recover the ball after it rebounded from the ceiling. The first time she set up the ball to the middle to make a hit. The second time she used he ceilings assist and spiked the ball for a kill. Throughout the games she worked hard by following the ball to the line and having consistent serves. Great job Allison!
6:15 PM
  Block It Like It's Hot [3]
  Blue Dragons - Indy #V14 [0]
POTG: Vivian L
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, April 4

Asa Schultz
Asa Schultz
Sharp Cheddar Setters
Call him the Serving King! Asa is player of the week. He had a great game and killer servers that helped separate Sharp Cheddar Setters apart from their opponents. In game one they were neck and neck until Asa got up to sever, with a quick tempo he busted out 7 serves to get them ahead. Game two was the same story. Asa stepped up to the end line and severed one ace after another. Great game Asa, way to serve the team to victory!
6:15 PM
  Blue Dragons - Indy #V14 [1]
  Sharp Cheddar Setters [2]
POTG: Zach B
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, April 11

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Zach Baggio
Zach Baggio
Sharp Cheddar Setters
Tonight at the Friendly House, Zach Baggio from Sharp Cheddar Setters really showcased his volleyball talents! Playing against two very skilled teams tonight, Zach gave it his all. All night he proved to be an essential part of the team as he shagged balls from left and right. Not to mention, he had killer blocks! Zach and The Sharp Cheddars ended their season with a couple of close matches and they really fought their way up to second place! Nice job team, way to end the season!
6:15 PM
  Block It Like It's Hot [1]
  Sharp Cheddar Setters [2]
POTG: Steve M
7:15 PM
8:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)