Volleyball Schedule

Late Fall Softcore Volleyball at Friendly House Thursdays


Thursday, November 14

Double Headers
One Hit Wonders
Lindsay Merkle
Lindsay Merkle
Indy #V65
What an opening night for Lindsay. She started off the season with a bang. Lindsay was all over the court getting the ball up. Her team only played with 5 players, that didn’t matter she gave it her all. Lindsay also support her team with awesome team spirit. She encouraged her team and cheered during killer moves. Keep it up Lindsay.
6:15 PM
  Bump, Set, Beer [2]
  One Hit Wonders [1]
POTG: Juan P
7:15 PM
  Orville Ready-Blocker [2]
  One Hit Wonders [1]
POTG: Victor T
8:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [1]
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [2]
POTG: Joseph T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, November 21

Double Headers
Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65
Sydney Bourque
Sydney Bourque
Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65
No matter how intense the competition, there should always be room for sportsmanship in any game. This past Thursday night at the Friendly House, Sydney Bourque of Bump Set Bolo repeatedly had the best attitude on the court, even when mistakes happened during the game, there was never a time when Sydney wasn't laughing or smiling. Sydney totally embodied the Underdog spirit with her attitude. For increasing the fun had by all, Sydney is our Player of the Week. Congratulations!
6:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [2]
  Orville Ready-Blocker [1]
POTG: Rachel M
7:15 PM
  Bump, Set, Beer [2]
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [1]
POTG: Morganne A
8:15 PM
  One Hit Wonders [0]
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [3]
POTG: Joseph T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 5

Double Headers
Indy #V64
Samantha Horton
Samantha Horton
One Hit Wonders
Where did that come from!! Sam delivered tonight! When her team was down on point she rolled out a beautiful serve streak. Sam made it look so effortlessly. When she’s not crushing other teams with serves she’s getting the ball up. Sam was on fire tonight!
6:15 PM
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [0]
  Orville Ready-Blocker [2]
POTG: Victor T
7:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [2]
  One Hit Wonders [1]
POTG: Caitlin C
8:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [2]
  Bump, Set, Beer [1]
POTG: Jenna P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 12

Double Headers
Bump, Set, Beer
6:15 PM
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [2]
  Indy #V64 [1]
POTG: Joseph T
7:15 PM
  Bump, Set, Beer [0]
  Orville Ready-Blocker [3]
POTG: Nick S
8:15 PM
  Bump, Set, Beer [2]
  One Hit Wonders [1]
POTG: Marta P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 19

Double Headers
Orville Ready-Blocker
John Tudisco
John Tudisco
Case of the Killer Serves!!
Dude!!!! Where did that come from John? When the game was 1-1 John became a merciless serving machine. He ran the opposing team ragged with his sniper serve. John ran a 17 point lead for his team right out of the gate at the start of the third set. His team then continued to crush the third set and won the game 2-1. Great job John, you did an awesome job supporting your team and getting a head in the third set!!!
6:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [2]
  Bump, Set, Beer [1]
POTG: John T
7:15 PM
  Orville Ready-Blocker [2]
  One Hit Wonders [1]
POTG: Kyle S
8:15 PM
  Orville Ready-Blocker [1]
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [2]
POTG: Bob Mike: Holy Smokes this Cowboy was on fire! He served like 60 aces in a row almost as if he was t

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, January 2

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
The Bolo Tie!
The Bolo Tie!
Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65
Player of the week could go to none other than the Bolo Tie (and those swinging it proudly on the sidelines!) It seems as though the Bolo tie brought this indy team together as one this season.

The Bolo was twirled, twisted and shaked as the game played on. The keeper of the Tie rotated and they cheered and encouraged throughout the whole game. The team was playing as one to make it a fun first round of playoffs. This shiny lucky charm kept it close until the end. Although, the lucky charm didn't have a win in it tonight, I think the real winners were the Bump Set Bolo for playing a hell of a game and coming together as a team this season and for playoffs.

We hope to see a return of the Bolo Tie in a league soon!
6:15 PM
  One Hit Wonders [2]
  Bump, Set, Beer [1]
POTG: Jess & Joe - The all out effort point!
7:15 PM
  One Hit Wonders [2]
  Orville Ready-Blocker [1]
POTG: Cory G
8:15 PM
  Indy #V64 [2]
  Bump Set Bolo - Indy #V65 [1]
POTG: Caitlin C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, January 9

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Cory Gieseke
Cory Gieseke
One Hit Wonders
Cory is such an awesome player. He did an amazing job supporting his team tonight. Cory’s got a wicked serve that is hard to return. Cory is constantly supporting his team but being ready for the ball and getting it up. Once he's on the net he can do some damage. The air this guy can get, as if he is floating and then the spike that is devoured is crushing. Great job Cory.
6:15 PM
  One Hit Wonders [0]
  Indy #V64 [3]
POTG: John T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)