Softball Schedule

Summer Westside Co-Ed Softball at Gabriel Park Sundays

Sunday, June 23

Amy Schweiker
Amy Schweiker
Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53
Amy's defence was hotter than the day! As a shortstop/rover she knew exactly where to be before the ball did. Her performance was by-far the best of the day, and to top it off her hitting helped Slap A Pitch win the day!
  Field 3
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
3:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, June 30

mortal wombat
would like earliest game on june 30th
Nick Fernandez
Nick Fernandez
Saved By The Balls (Indy#49)
Nick is being recognized (a week late) as the player of the week for June 23. Nick managed to wallop two home runs in his season debut. He also played stellar defense and put his body on the line when he laid out and took a tough bounce right off his nose! Way to play great and tough it out Nick!
  Field 3
12:00 PM
  Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53 [22]
  Mortal Wombat [15]
1:30 PM
  Soaring Marlins [19]
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [12]
POTG: Alison D
3:00 PM
  Titan Trainers [15]
  Pitches Be Crazy [10]
POTG: Kellie L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, July 14

Austin Lynch
Austin Lynch
Pitches Be Crazy
What a miraculous play! Austin backhanded a ball hit back toward him after his pitch. The ball dropped to the ground and time was running out as the runner was nearing 1st base. Austin acted quickly, grabbed the ball, and while facing 3rd base he threw the ball backwards to 1st for the out!
  Field 3
12:00 PM
  Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53 [17]
  Titan Trainers [19]
POTG: Wilson T
1:30 PM
  Pitches Be Crazy [8]
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [27]
POTG: Austin Lynch - while pitching he stopped a ball then threw it backwards to first for the out.
3:00 PM
  Soaring Marlins [19]
  Mortal Wombat [5]
POTG: Jason A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, July 21

  Field 3
12:00 PM
  Pitches Be Crazy [11]
  Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53 [20]
POTG: Player of the game honor goes to Craig Sikorski for playing hurt and still made 3 great plays in the
1:30 PM
  Mortal Wombat [12]
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [11]
POTG: Jordan D
3:00 PM
  Titan Trainers [8]
  Soaring Marlins [18]
POTG: Aaron L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, July 28

Suzanne DeLorenzo
Suzanne DeLorenzo
Mortal Wombat
Suzanne would say she was just protecting her face, but her lightning quick reflexes were impressive on a foul tip straight back to her. Plus, she had the added distraction of two adorable bulldogs constantly trying to get her attention. Great game, Suzanne!
  Field 3
12:00 PM
  Soaring Marlins [14]
  Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53 [4]
POTG: Randy C
1:30 PM
  Mortal Wombat [11]
  Pitches Be Crazy [7]
POTG: Justin J
3:00 PM
  Titan Trainers [7]
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [17]
POTG: Eleni H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, August 4

Don Majkowski
Don Majkowski
Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53
Don didn't just play one good game today. He played two. Game one was with his regular team. He had multiple base hits and a home run. Don also made several key plays in the field. Once his team was done playing Don stuck around to fill in for another team who was missing a player. In his second game Don made key catches in the outfield as well as several more base hits. As nice as it is to see a strong showing in back to back games, we really appreciate his willingness to help out another team in the division.
  Field 3
12:00 PM
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [9]
  Mortal Wombat [20]
POTG: Katie, T. ; earned multiple base hits by going deep in the pitch count, also had multiple catches in
1:30 PM
  Titan Trainers [24]
  Slap A Pitch - Indy Team #53 [10]
3:00 PM
  Soaring Marlins [19]
  Pitches Be Crazy [14]
POTG: Jeff, Dover; Had an early solo home-run, also made two key tags as third baseman to get lead runner

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, August 11

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Aaron Lopez
Aaron Lopez
Soaring Marlins
While in the championship game Aaron showed why his team was there. Early in the game Aaron came home to score a run and he and the catcher tripped over each other. He than picked himself up, dusted off and kept playing. Late in the game, playing third base Aaron to a hard hit ground ball to the mid-section. Rather than taking the option to sit out, Aaron chose to keep playing and continued to make great plays at that position. His enthusiasm and determination to play the game was just one more bright spot in his teams championship winning game.
  Field 3
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
  Pitches Be Crazy [11]
  Mortal Wombat [12]
POTG: Austin, L. Excellent pitching, home run, caught a line-drive, and made out at first.
1:30 PM
  Saved By The Balls (Indy#49) [12]
  Soaring Marlins [14]
POTG: Eleni H
3:00 PM
  Mortal Wombat [13]
  Titan Trainers [14]
POTG: Shane S
4:30 PM
  Titan Trainers [11]
  Soaring Marlins [18]
POTG: Sharon M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)