Kickball Schedule

Fall Softcore Kickball at King School Park Sundays


Sunday, August 25

Nerd is the word!
Nerd is the word!
HHH (Heather Hardie-Hill) for the win!
Heather Hardie-Hill is one intimidating nerd! Whether it was her infant pitching style that eventually found its way across the plate or her dance moves as she approached the plate, Heather's presence was known throughout the game. She sported glasses that rivaled Charlie Sheen's in Major League, cut off shorts that provided the ultimate in wedgie comfort, and rainbow suspenders that were noticed from fields afar. While their comeback was cut short, Heather and the Never Nudes brought the goofy and had the most fun, and that's what we love to see!
  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Ball & Oates [21]
  Torn Ligaments [9]
POTG: Brando V
1:00 PM
  Irish Handcuffs [9]
  Brews on First, Bro! [11]
POTG: Heather C
2:00 PM
  Drunkies [7]
  Sit on My Base [11]
POTG: Steve M
3:00 PM
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [5]
  Us [11]
POTG: Alex D
4:00 PM
  Never Nudes [10]
  99 problems but a kick aint one [15]
POTG: Matt C
5:00 PM
  Prestige Worldwide [1]
  Alcoballics [6]
POTG: Rob, Sab, Ang, Kerri - Hood to coasters!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 8

  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Alcoballics [7]
  Us [5]
POTG: Sebastian and Steve-O - Mr Consistants
1:00 PM
  99 problems but a kick aint one [11]
  Sit on My Base [4]
POTG: Sarah Russo - Spectacular catches!
2:00 PM
  Drunkies [16]
  Irish Handcuffs [1]
POTG: Candace - Webgem!
3:00 PM
  Ball & Oates [5]
  Brews on First, Bro! [1]
POTG: Lauren C
4:00 PM
  Torn Ligaments [3]
  Prestige Worldwide [8]
POTG: Pete H
5:00 PM
  Never Nudes [6]
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [5]
POTG: Uncle Alex's phone

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 15

Tiffany ?
Tiffany ?
Sit on My Base
Tiffany exemplifies what it means to be an UD kickball player: she's vocal at all times.

A constant threat at the plate with her well-placed bunts, she also excels at providing color-commentary at all moments, whether on defense or offense.

Her well-timed humor definitely makes games much more enjoyable as evident by laughter from both teams.
  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Alcoballics [8]
  Drunkies [2]
1:00 PM
  99 problems but a kick aint one [11]
  Ball & Oates [12]
POTG: All them Oates!
2:00 PM
  Us [7]
  Sit on My Base [10]
POTG: Tiffany ?
3:00 PM
  Prestige Worldwide [7]
  Brews on First, Bro! [2]
POTG: Emily E
4:00 PM
  Torn Ligaments [5]
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [6]
POTG: Danny M
5:00 PM
  Irish Handcuffs [3]
  Never Nudes [7]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 22

99 problems but a kick aint one, Never Nudes, Sir Kix-a-Lot, Sit on My Base
Pat Rosborough
Pat Rosborough
New star shines bright
So in baseball you have "The Rocket" In boxing you have the "The Hitman". In football you have "Sweetness". And now in Underdog we have Pat "The Cannon" Rosborough.

Nicknames should fit and have a backstory. So in the best ESPN commentators voice possible, here's the legend of "The Cannon."

It was a blustery (understatement) day at King School Park field when Pat (not yet nicknamed "The Cannon) Rosborough and the rest of the team of Ball and Oates took the field. Coming into the bottom of the 5th inning, the outfield was a quagmire, with players barely able to stand upright, let alone field a ball. But not Pat (still not yet nicknamed "The Cannon) who had a long high pop fly booted his way. With the sure footedness of an Andes mountain goat, Pat ran straight toward it and snagged it with a fingertip grab, which is impressive enough on a day with no rain, but today made it extra special. Not being content with the out, Pat cocked back his arm and threw for home to stop the runner coming in from third.

Now I know what you're saying. "Right! A kickball, in pouring rain, and a throw from the outfield...No way that is going home!" Well, you and everyone else at the field that day would be wrong as all in attendance watched it unbelievably sail clear across the field as if...ready for the nickname...SHOT FROM A CANNON! The player from third was unbelievably sent packing back to third and the legend of "Pat "The Cannon" Rosborough was born.

Pat thanks for adding excitement to a dreary day and giving everyone in Underdog something to talk about. Can't wait to see what you can do on a good weather day.
  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Torn Ligaments [8]
  Drunkies [9]
POTG: Jarvis S
1:00 PM
  Irish Handcuffs [2]
  Prestige Worldwide [11]
POTG: Dean L
2:00 PM
  Alcoballics [6]
  Brews on First, Bro! [1]
POTG: Not Josh
3:00 PM
  Us [7]
  Ball & Oates [12]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 29

All games moved to future dates due to rain out.

Sunday, October 6

Zak Cate
Zak Cate
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.
Surely someone will enjoy the Monty Python reference here. I know everyone on the team of "Us" enjoys Zak's stellar playing ability including cat like reflexes, rocket arm, and lest we forget a stunning sense of fashion.

Zak, your what makes your team and Underdog great!
  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Irish Handcuffs [9]
  Alcoballics [14]
POTG: Danny C
1:00 PM
  Torn Ligaments [13]
  Us [13]
2:00 PM
  Prestige Worldwide [2]
  Drunkies [11]
POTG: Juan R
3:00 PM
  99 problems but a kick aint one [12]
  Brews on First, Bro! [8]
POTG: Jennifer S
4:00 PM
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [5]
  Sit on My Base [15]
POTG: Casey J
5:00 PM
  Never Nudes [11]
  Ball & Oates [4]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 13

Us forfeited to Brews on First, Bro!.
Double Headers
Never Nudes, Sir Kix-a-Lot
Torn Ligaments
Liz and Heather are 80's stars!
Liz and Heather are 80's stars!
Never Nudes
Playing doubleheaders can often be an arduous task. Not only do you have to deal with twice the kicks and big red balls, but for the ambitious ones, you have to come up with twice the costumes. As always, the Never Nudes dressed to impress. Sunday was 80's day and the team sported their fanciest spandex and neon jackets. But Liz and Heather took it to the next level when they busted out the evening wear for game two. The pair, with their dresses and ruffled tutus, brought the spirit that Underdog thrives on. They had fun, they laughed and danced, and they kicked their way to the memory books once again. Keep it up Never Nudes, keep it up...
  Field 2
12:00 PM
  Prestige Worldwide [13]
  Us [10]
POTG: William M
1:00 PM
  Drunkies [8]
  Ball & Oates [8]
POTG: Brando V
2:00 PM
  Irish Handcuffs [6]
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [12]
POTG: Mary Ellen A
3:00 PM
  Sir Kix-a-Lot [3]
  99 problems but a kick aint one [18]
POTG: Trey P
4:00 PM
  Never Nudes [8]
  Sit on My Base [5]
POTG: Paddy - He went around and around and around all game long!
5:00 PM
  Never Nudes [5]
  Alcoballics [8]
POTG: Sebastian F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 20

Tori Talbutt
Tori Talbutt
We don't need no stinkin female bunts.
OK underdoggers time for our player of the week.

This week is Tori Talbutt. One of the favorite times for me in Underdog is when people surprise me. It doesn't happen often, but

On a foggy Sunday afternoon Tori was up to kick, and as us males are often want to do, the outfield moved in. Big...big...BIG MISTAKE! By the time the ball Tori crushed rolled to a stop she was rounding third. There was nothing to do but watch as she jogged in across home plate.

And as if that weren't enough, the woman can play 1st base with the best of them. Congrats Tori you are an amazing player, and a great Underdog.
  Field 2
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
  Torn Ligaments [10]
  99 problems but a kick aint one [9]
Make-up for 9/29 rainout

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 27

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Never Nudes forfeited to 99 problems but a kick aint one.
Nothing Bent(on) him
Nothing Bent(on) him
Keeping it straight
To say Josh was ready and excited to play, might be an under statement.? One look at him and you could tell, he was ready. He made sweet catches in the outfield,covering ground, and using his whole body. Hustling, having fun and smiling, him and the rest of the 'ballics, played their usual game. Nice job.

And believe me, he had everyone's attention. Stay solid.
  Field 2
11:00 AM
  Drunkies [5]
  Ball & Oates [6]
12:00 PM
  Sit on My Base [5]
  Prestige Worldwide [10]
POTG: Casey J
1:00 PM
  Brews on First, Bro! [4]
  Alcoballics [12]
POTG: Ryan S
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
  99 problems but a kick aint one [5]
  Alcoballics [6]
POTG: Angela W
4:00 PM
  Prestige Worldwide [8]
  Ball & Oates [12]
POTG: Joey K
5:00 PM
  Ball & Oates [4]
  Alcoballics [5]
POTG: Molly H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)