Volleyball Standings

Late Fall Midcore Volleyball at Wattles Boys & Girls Club Thursdays

Stuffmeisters photo First Place Trophy

Division 1


Stuffmeisters Take D1 Champs Title
Stuffmeisters vs Aceholes

The Stuffmeisters were off to a great start beating the Ball Slappers in an intense 1st game of the night. After that win, they had a small break between then and the championship game. The 1 hour rest must have done them good because they were back and hungry for their final game of the night. The Aceholes had amazing kills but the Stuffmeisters defense was hard to break and they kept up balls that would have otherwise been kills. Amazing jobs to both teams and congratulations, Stuffmeisters!

View Stuffmeisters Team Page
Ace Holes photo
Second Place Trophy

Division 1
Second Place

Ace Holes

View Team Page
Itsy bitsy spikers  photo
Third Place Trophy

Division 1
Third Place

Itsy bitsy spikers

View Team Page
Ball Slappers photo
Third Place Trophy

Division 1
Third Place

Ball Slappers

View Team Page

Division 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Ace Holes
8 1 0 16 7
  Ball Slappers
7 1 0 14 9
7 (1)º 2 0 14 5
4 3 0 8 8
  Itsy bitsy spikers
5 3 0 10 7
6   Lutz Go! 3 4 (1)º 0 6 7
  Apple Bottom Bumps
3 4 0 6 10
  All sets are off
4 4 0 8 12
9   Diggy Smalls - Indy #V53 3 4 0 6 14
NOTE: These rankings have been manually adjusted to reflect external criteria.
Ball so hard - Indy #V54 photo First Place Trophy

Division 2

  Ball so hard - Indy #V54

Ball So Hard (Indy #V54) Take Champs Title
Ball So Hard vs. The Emotional Support Libreros

The D2 Championship game last night was fought between the 2 top Indy teams. The fact that a once group of strangers left the building with a championship title is amazing! The chemistry was definitely there and despite the championship game being their 2nd game of the night, they kept the energy high and killed it on the court. Great job to both teams and congratulations, Ball So Hard!

View Ball so hard - Indy #V54 Team Page

Division 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Ball so hard - Indy #V54 4 4 0 8 12
2   The Emotional Support Liberos - Indy #V52 3 5 0 6 15
3   Big Tippers 2 6 0 4 16
4   Key Bumps 1 6 0 2 16
  Bumpkin Spike Latte
0 7 0 0 18
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.