Kickball Schedule

Summer Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Irving Park Tuesday

Tuesday, June 17

Jennifer Clark
Jennifer Clark
Making it up as she goes...
  Field 1 Field 2
6:15 PM
  Sons of Pitches [2]
  The Kicking Asses [4]
  Freaks of Nature [4]
  The Runs [8]
POTG: Lucas N
7:05 PM
  O'Doyle Rules [6]
  Kick Measuring Contest [7]
POTG: Breanne V
  Blue Sky and The Devils [7]
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [4]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, June 24

Double Headers
Kick Measuring Contest
Blue Sky and The Devils
Dani O'Brien
Dani O'Brien
Freaks of Nature
Dani embodied the double threat tonight making several plays at first base with the cool confidence of a veteran player. She also put three runs on the board for her freaks! Watching Dani play kickball makes a difficult sport look easy.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:15 PM
  Kick Measuring Contest [6]
  The Runs [6]
POTG: Brock B
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [11]
  O'Doyle Rules [3]
POTG: Michael S
7:05 PM
  Kick Measuring Contest [11]
  The Kicking Asses [13]
POTG: Nick D
  Sons of Pitches [0]
  Freaks of Nature [6]
POTG: Doug D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, July 1

Double Headers
Blue Sky and The Devils, Freaks of Nature
Scott Rasmussen
Scott Rasmussen
Blue Sky and The Devils
Scott had a double header game and played tremendously through both even in the 90+ degree weather he was a major hustler and made several great plays both in the field and at the plate. He brought in a ton of runs leading the team to two victories. The players laugh and describe him as their "spiritual leader", it was easy to see that Scott is guy with a great attitude and helps to make sure his team is always having fun.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:15 PM
  Sons of Pitches [15]
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [5]
POTG: Sara S
  Blue Sky and The Devils [15]
  The Kicking Asses [13]
POTG: Jeff H
7:05 PM
  Freaks of Nature [17]
  O'Doyle Rules [6]
POTG: Doug D
  Blue Sky and The Devils [11]
  The Runs [2]
POTG: Mike M
7:55 PM
  Kick Measuring Contest [10]
  Freaks of Nature [6]
POTG: Isaac S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, July 8

Aaron Podbelski
Aaron Podbelski
Aaron for President!
Diplomatic but driven, Aaron could replace Obama tomorrow. Greeting his opponents with a memory that could challenge past Jeopardy champions, Aaron learned each of his opposition's names after just one trip up to the plate. And yes, maybe he left early a time or two, but this just shows his ambition to get that big red ball and kindly throw it at his foe with all his might.
Aaron, your cool kindness is unmatched. Thanks for making this beautiful day even better!
  Field 1 Field 2
6:30 PM
  Blue Sky and The Devils [9]
  Freaks of Nature [6]
POTG: Emma M
  Kick Measuring Contest [6]
  Sons of Pitches [5]
7:30 PM
  O'Doyle Rules [3]
  The Kicking Asses [12]
POTG: Lauren D
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [9]
  The Runs [3]
POTG: Michael S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, July 15

Nate Merrill
Nate Merrill
Blue Sky and The Devils
I have had the pleasure of watching Nate play for the past couple weeks. Nate is just an all around team player. This week he lead his team to a 26 to 8 victory, with two home runs. Nate had an amazing diving catch out at left field. Nate is a great player but an even better support to his team, he is respectful to both the other players and officials and always displays a awesome attitude.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:30 PM
  O'Doyle Rules [11]
  The Runs [16]
POTG: Annie S
  Freaks of Nature [3]
  The Kicking Asses [4]
POTG: Greg S
7:30 PM
  Sons of Pitches [8]
  Blue Sky and The Devils [26]
POTG: Aaron P
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [4]
  Kick Measuring Contest [5]
POTG: Amy S. And Issac S. The dynamic duo.

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, July 22

Lindsay Buyserie
Lindsay Buyserie
Kick Measuring Contest
Lindsey was the golden glove this week at second base! She made several impressive catches and even caught a nearly dropped fly ball. Not only did Lindsey make some great catches, she also had a double play. Although her team lost, Lindsey's great defensive plays kept the game close.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:30 PM
  Kick Measuring Contest [1]
  Blue Sky and The Devils [3]
POTG: Scott C
  O'Doyle Rules [3]
  Sons of Pitches [7]
POTG: Stephen R
7:30 PM
  Freaks of Nature [7]
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [0]
  The Kicking Asses [10]
  The Runs [5]
POTG: Kelly S. Last game being single!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, July 29

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Thomas Cogswell
Thomas Cogswell
Kick Measuring Contest
Tom led his team to a playoff victory by being a strong pitcher. Tom always makes sure his players know where the next play will be. It's clear Tom leads from the mound and his players know when to get the ball back to the mound.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:30 PM
  O'Doyle Rules [7]
  Blue Sky and The Devils [8]
POTG: Shauna G
  The Misfits (Indy #K6) [2]
  The Kicking Asses [8]
POTG: Kyle S
7:30 PM
  The Runs [3]
  Freaks of Nature [2]
POTG: Lucas N
  Sons of Pitches [4]
  Kick Measuring Contest [18]
POTG: Heather C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, August 5

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Scott D
Scott D
Blue Sky and The Devils
Scotty played consistently well throughout the playoffs. Scott is especially noteworthy due to his constant hustle and positive attitude. Taking control of first base on defense, Scott made several outs even on some tough throws! Scott had several RBIs and a knack for finding gaps in the outfield on offense.
  Field 1 Field 2
6:30 PM
  The Runs [7]
  Blue Sky and The Devils [18]
POTG: Rachel A. -Great catch in left field!
  Kick Measuring Contest [2]
  The Kicking Asses [3]
POTG: Greg D
7:30 PM
  The Kicking Asses [14]
  Blue Sky and The Devils [11]
POTG: Patrick S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)