Kickball Standings

Summer Softcore Co-ed Kickball at Irving Park Thursday

Winners, Losers & Boozers photo First Place Trophy

Softcore 1

  Winners, Losers & Boozers

Some winners, some losers
All boozers after?

Second last game of the night was, just as good too. There weren't intros, but music, laughs and good times persisted. Both sides made plays too, along with showing some dancing moves.
In the end Winners, weren't Losers, but still Boozers, after the game, to celebrate. Nice game and even better season! Congrats WLB!

View Winners, Losers & Boozers Team Page

Softcore 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Winners, Losers & Boozers
9 0 0 18 45
  Blood, Sweat and Beers
6 3 0 12 56
  Blood, Sweat, and Beers 2: Electric Boogaloo
5 2 1 11 62
  Blue Balls
5 (1)º 4 0 10 88
Fremont Street Hooligans photo First Place Trophy

Softcore 2

  Fremont Street Hooligans

Bunyans on Freemont
Hooligans Harem

Last game of the Harem and Hooligans and it was a good one. Music, laughs, fire signs, killer intros, good times and nice plays. It was fun! The shirts came off? On? Either way they were showing....
Hooligans scored and scored early, leading all game. The Holigans we're too much as their defense held them to few runs. Late inning rally wasn't enough, but great effort. Nice season y'all! Thanks for the good times.

View Fremont Street Hooligans Team Page

Softcore 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Fremont Street Hooligans
4 5 0 8 69
  Balls to the Wall
3 5 0 6 69
2 5 1 5 63
  Paul Bunyan's Harem
2 8 0 4 95
  Troutman Turbines
1 5 (1)º 0 2 54
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.