Dodgeball Standings

Fall Co-ed Dodgeball at the Friendly House Wednesday

I'd Hit That! photo First Place Trophy

Co-ed 2

  I'd Hit That!

This is how we do a championship

There are some who view the regular season as a warm up for the playoffs, especially the veterans teams that have experienced a full season at the Friendly House. You win some and you lose reason to get too high or too low. It's all about fine tuning your craft, coming together as a team and avoiding's a long journey to the championship match.
Team I'd Hit That! came focused and well rested on Wednesday night, starting the playoffs in fine fashion with a 6-1 victory over Lovely Lady Lumps. Leading the charge was Kyle and the boys, dodging like they've never dodged before...who knew a front line averaging 6'3" could be so nimble on their feet? Anticipation and the angle of the opponent's throw.
The championship game against team Head Shot was a barn burner from the get go, showcasing the talents of both teams. Renee of I'd Hit That! took her game to a new level, getting so small on the court in her patented defensive postition that even the referee had trouble seeing her during the last game. 20 minutes later and 3-2 victory...a well deserved championship for the team in orange.
Solid work I'd Hit That!...thanks for being an awesome team and for being classy all season long.

View I'd Hit That! Team Page

Co-ed 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  I'd Hit That!
6 6 2 14 44
  Head Shot
4 8 2 10 47
  The Ocho
3 10 1 7 55
  Lovely Lady Lumps (Indy Team #D3)
3 (1)º 12 0 6 70
  Accidental Awesomeness
2 10 (1)º 1 5 53
HAM photo First Place Trophy

Co-ed 1


...and that's how you cap off an undefeated season

Optimism & excitement was running rampant at the Friendly House on Wednesday night in anticipation of the playoffs finally upon us. All of the sweat, game planning, bruised egos and sore arms throughout the was time for all players to focus on tonight with a championship belt/wrist bands up for grabs. A buzz was in the air...was this the night for a veteran team to continue its world dominance or would a new kid on the block make its mark on Underdog Dodgeball?
The night started off strong for veteran team Ham, the #1 seed and a Las Vegas sportbook favorite for the past couple of seasons. In a wildly entertaining semi-final match against upstart Balls & Dolls, the members of team Ham showcased their amazing dodging ability and synchronized offensive attack in an impressive 4-1 victory. Climbing the opposite side of the bracket was team Wrecking Balls, a talented Indy team whose victory over ever present A Good Day to Die Awesome set the stage for a stellar championship match. While team Wrecking Balls' team quickness & youthful exuberance was something to behold, it was no match for the crafty veterans of team Ham, whose ever present chatter on the court & rapid fire offensive bombs were too much for one team to handle by itself. As the final whistle blew, team Ham raised their wrists in victory with a convincing 5-2 championship win.
Congrats to Ham...a team with a dodgeball style often immitated, but yet to be duplicated at the Friendly House.

View HAM Team Page

Co-ed 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
13 0 1 27 23
10 3 1 21 34
  Wrecking Balls (Indy Team #D4)
9 5 1 19 50
  Balls and Dolls
8 5 2 18 51
  Questionable Catch
8 6 0 16 40
  We're Aiming for the Slow One
7 7 0 14 42
  A Good Day to Die Awesome
6 7 1 13 50
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.