Bowling Standings

Fall Big Turkey Bowling at Powell AMF 300 Wednesday

Hard Core Fun Seekers photo First Place Trophy

Big Turkey Bowling at Powell AMF 300 Wednesday

  Hard Core Fun Seekers

Hard Core Fun Seekers....Hard Core Bowlers!

Hard Core Fun Seekers came to bowl with one mission: lane domination. And they succeeded! it was VERY close in round one of playoffs--they squeaked by Balls with only a 7 pin lead. Kevin made sure the rest of the Hard Core Fun Seekers bowlers had their head in the game for the championship round.
Point West CU defeated Not Enough Beer to move onto face Hard Core Fun Seekers. Deena's delicious bowling treats were not enough to distract Point West and steal victory and alas, Not Enough Beer gave up a win and went on to battle Balls for third place.
Point West and Hard Core Fun Seekers played an amazing championship game. Kami and Randy brought their A-game. But it was not enough for Andy, Ali, Angela, Kevin, Lisa and Matt, who proudly wore their 2014 Champs wristbands and were crowned Wednesday Night Champs. Way to go guys!

View Hard Core Fun Seekers Team Page
  Team Total Score
1   Hard Core Fun Seekers 22
2   Not Enough Beer (Indy Team #B9) 14
3   Point West CU 13
4   Erotic Pin Fiction 12
5   Balls 10
6   Champagne Boners 9
7   We Thought This Was Trivia (Indy Team #B10) 9
8   Balls of Justice 2
How are Standings Calculated?
Teams are ranked by their cumulative score throughout the season.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.