Volleyball Schedule

Spring Midcore Co-ed Indoor Volleyball at Fernwood Tuesday

Tuesday, March 31

Steven Novak
Steven Novak
Blocking Maniac
Steven ate his Wheaties this morning and was ready to be back playing volleyball at Fernwood. At the net Steven was ready for anything that came his was from the big hitting Gravy Diggers. It was a fun game with two great teams but Steven stood out tonight with his hard work and well timed jumps. Great work Steven and all of Burt Reynolds.
  East Gym
6:15 PM
7:15 PM
  Burt Reynolds [1]
  Gravy Diggers [2]
POTG: Margot P
8:15 PM
  Spike The Punch [2]
  RiDigulous [1]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 7

Megan M
Megan M
Shots On Us
Megan earned her self player of the week for her rocket serves and awesome back-row attacks! This was Megans farewell week with Underdog as she heads out of Oregon for work. But a long time Underdog'er Megan has played many seasons with a smile on her face and a great attitude for winning and having fun. Thank you Megan for many years with Underdog. Great work tonight and good luck!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Spike The Punch [2]
  Gravy Diggers [1]
POTG: Shane E
7:15 PM
  Shots On Us [1]
  RiDigulous [2]
POTG: Carolyn K
8:15 PM
  Burt Reynolds [3]
  Unprotected Sets [0]
POTG: Lindsay W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 14

Justin Brown
Justin Brown
Burt Reynolds
Hands Down TOP Player of the Week candidate right here is Justin. Burt Reynolds played an amazing game against Spike the Punch and although they were on the losing end, Justin made sure that it wasn't because of lack of effort. Laying out for every ball that came his way, Justin was determined to make sure that he got a touch on the ball, even if he was a few inches short after a deep serve that came right back. Justin returned some hard serves (with the help of Steven's back), threw in a few big hits and followed up with some spectacular blocks. MVP all around and well deserved by the hard working, always keeping it fun, Justin B. He and all of his team are awesome Underdogers and really keep it fun. Great work Justin and all of Burt Reynolds!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Shots On Us [2]
  Gravy Diggers [1]
POTG: Brandon S
7:15 PM
  Spike The Punch [3]
  Burt Reynolds [0]
POTG: Audra L
8:15 PM
  RiDigulous [3]
  Unprotected Sets [0]
POTG: Abram C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 21

Player of the week this week goest to Aubree from Ridigulous. Aubree played smart volleyball tonight in a close game against Burt Reynolds. She waited for the right pass and gently set the ball over the net as BR watched it drop. This set was followed but 9 straight serves, 4 of which were aces to give RiDIGulous the lead in game two. All night Aubree was working hard for the points and making plays happen. Great work Aubree!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Gravy Diggers [3]
  Unprotected Sets [0]
POTG: Paige B
7:15 PM
  Burt Reynolds [2]
  RiDigulous [1]
8:15 PM
  Shots On Us [1]
  Spike The Punch [2]
POTG: Taylor V

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 28

Mariel  Mota
Mariel Mota
Sunny and 75 Tonight!
Durning the 7:15 game we took a quick trip down to Florida with Burt Reynolds and the tour guide was a wonderfully dressed Mariel M. It all started with Suzies Flamingo Shorts and a great idea. So tonight, looking like they were straight out of the Sunshitne State, Burt Reynolds had theme night Florida Style. Mariel M was the theme leader in her Bingo Formal hat and floral shirt. The whole team took part and brightened up the gym. As Oregon was on a break from the real sunshine, Burt Reynolds was creating their own sunshine. They mixed in some great volleyball as well and made it a night to remember. Great work all of Burt Reynolds and way to go Mariel....best volleyball theme night yet!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Spike The Punch [3]
  Unprotected Sets [0]
POTG: Kyle and Sara - Jump serve King and Queen!
7:15 PM
  Burt Reynolds [2]
  Shots On Us [1]
POTG: Suzie F
8:15 PM
  RiDigulous [2]
  Gravy Diggers [1]
POTG: Carolyn K

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 5

Kyle Burns
Kyle Burns
Spike The Punch
Both teams set up Kyle this week for some big hits. Whether the set came on his own side of the net or he shot it back to the other team, it was a great night of volleyball for Kyle. As the teams setter tonight, he also set up some great hits for his own teammates and created great plays! Good work Kyle and all of Spike the Punch!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  RiDigulous [1]
  Spike The Punch [2]
POTG: Amanda B
7:15 PM
  Shots On Us [2]
  Unprotected Sets [1]
POTG: John S
8:15 PM
  Burt Reynolds [1]
  Gravy Diggers [2]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 12

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Monica Corbo
Monica Corbo
Gravy Diggers
Consistency is key when you get to the underdog playoffs and that is exactly how Monica plays. Every week she is there ready to go and make plays. She is constantly diving to save the play and makes great back row plays when most would watch the ball drop. Tonight was no different, she had some great one arm diving saves to keep the play alive. We also cant forget her awesome serving. She gets it over and in 99% of the time. She is a rock on this team and makes sure that everything is done to get the win. Great work Monica and all of the Gravy Diggers. Good luck in round 2!
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Unprotected Sets [1]
  Gravy Diggers [2]
POTG: Whitney H
7:15 PM
  Shots On Us [2]
  Burt Reynolds [0]
POTG: Elizabeth S
8:15 PM
  Shots On Us [0]
  Spike The Punch [2]
POTG: Natalie K

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 19

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
  East Gym
6:15 PM
  Gravy Diggers [0]
  RiDigulous [2]
POTG: Brett F
7:15 PM
  RiDigulous [0]
  Spike The Punch [2]
POTG: Shane E

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)