Kickball Schedule

Summer Softcore Kickball at Peninsula Park Mon/Wed

Monday, June 8

Double Headers
Merino Ball Breakahs
Neva Hauser
Neva Hauser
Merino Ball Breakahs
She hit a home run and the crowd was going wild! She gave it a good boot and both teams were impressed with this amazing kick! She is a going for the MVP of the season!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Cats! [8]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [11]
POTG: Brian H
7:30 PM
  Mascott Equipment [3]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [16]
POTG: Whitney D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 10

Double Headers
Jenna Sessions
Jenna Sessions
Sessions on kickball
Wow! First off, what a game between Bottom of the Fifth and Choreshore4ly. It started late, but it was worth the wait, as it was a back and forth, fun game, that ended in a walk off. Though Bottom of the Fifth played a nice team game, Jenna was making plays! Always consistent playing a great game, tonight was no different, only better.
Making the (double)play of the night(season?) from first base, fielding a grounder, stepping on first and pegging the runner out right before she reached the bag. Always smiling and hustling, it's fun to watch Jenna play. Awesome stuff!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bottom Of The Fifth [10]
  Coreshore4lyf [9]
POTG: Sam- Big kick
7:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [5]
  Coreshore4lyf [20]
POTG: Blair B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 15

Double Headers
Bunt Force Trauma
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [17]
  Mascott Equipment [14]
7:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [18]
  Cats! [19]
POTG: Sarah L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 17

Ariel Stephenson
Ariel Stephenson
Run So Hard
First kickball game for Ball So Hard and it was a good one,moor never playing. It got better as e game went on, starting in an 8 run whole, they finished strong holding them to only 3 more.
Ariel was trying out different positions on the field, but was always hustling. Adding a nice kick, to round the bases and score the first point. Nice game and hustle. Next week should be fun.
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Ball So Hard [1]
  Coreshore4lyf [11]
POTG: Benjamin O
7:30 PM
  Merino Ball Breakahs [5]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [9]
POTG: Wade H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 22

Double Headers
Ball So Hard
Pete Henkle
Pete Henkle
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Ball So Hard [14]
  Mascott Equipment [9]
POTG: Rick S
7:30 PM
  Ball So Hard [8]
  Cats! [10]
POTG: John R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 24

Blair McCrory
Blair McCrory
Another great night for jicknpball as the weather was ideal and the teams were just as good. Core shore vs Ball breakas was a well played game that had plays on both sides. Though they were trailing most of the Merino came back to score 4 in the 5th and didn't look back.
Blair was doing what she could, making plays on offense and defense. Catching two balls in could territory, throw as to first and making a great stop to get the running. Adding hustle and having fun, it was another great game from Blair.
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bottom Of The Fifth [15]
  Bunt Force Trauma [7]
POTG: Carrie C
7:30 PM
  Coreshore4lyf [2]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [5]
POTG: Phil H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 29

Double Headers
Bottom Of The Fifth
Mollie Falkner
Mollie Falkner
Bottom Of The Fifth
Bottom of the Fifth had a very successful Wednesday night this week, and Mollie played a large role in the success of the team as well as the fun everyone had at the park. Whether it was hunting down fly balls in the outfield, laying down great bunts and kicks on offense, or joking with teammates and having fun, Mollie brought it all this week. Thanks for making that night a great one!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Mascott Equipment [3]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [26]
POTG: Ashley K
7:30 PM
  Ball So Hard [1]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [18]
POTG: Gabriela F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 1

Jake  Huizinga
Jake Huizinga
You know that 3rd baseman...
The one that gives the umps a hard time... Ya, that one.
In his patented jorts, Jake (not to be confused with the cool, calm, collected one from State Farm) was hobbled by sand in his heel. But this disposition didn't stop Jake from heckling with the best of 'em. Luckily, deep down Jake is a cool cat, and that's why we are happy to have him back week after week with the rest of his kitty crew.
Cheers Jake. And take it easy on those umps that are still getting their skin toughened.
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [9]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [21]
POTG: Ashley S
7:30 PM
  Cats! [3]
  Coreshore4lyf [15]
POTG: Mary U

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, July 6

Double Headers
Ball So Hard, Cats!, Mascott Equipment
Ramsey Warren
Ramsey Warren
Bottom Of The Fifth
Bottom of the Fifth always brings fun and energy to the park! Ramsey is a key contributor to the fun, laid back attitude of the team and always encourages his opponents as well as his teammates. Great model for the rest of the team!
  Field 1 Field 2
6:00 PM
  Mascott Equipment [1]
  Coreshore4lyf [11]
  Ball So Hard [3]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [12]
POTG: Dave M
7:00 PM
  Mascott Equipment [13]
  Cats! [18]
POTG: Joey K
  Ball So Hard [5]
  Bunt Force Trauma [8]
POTG: Charlie D
8:00 PM
  Cats! [10]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [17]
POTG: Katy H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, July 13

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Matt Lamont
Matt Lamont
Mascott Equipment
Mascot Equipment came out to play tonight! They battle through a great playoff game, lead by Matt who came through with a clutch grand slam to tie the game in the second to last inning! He always has a great attitude and plays his best. Thanks for a great season Mascot Equipment!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Mascott Equipment [12]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [13]
POTG: Ashley K
7:30 PM
  Ball So Hard [1]
  Coreshore4lyf [20]
POTG: Benjamin O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, July 15

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Jenna Sessions
Jenna Sessions
Bottom Of The Fifth
Bottom Of The Fifth always has a fun time when they come out to the ballpark, and especially did tonight. Finally having a full team for the first time all season was fun for everyone, and Jenna always keeps the mood fun and loose. She competes hard and loves to have a good time. Thanks for the positive energy Jenna and the rest of Bottom Of The Fifth!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [13]
  Cats! [9]
POTG: Carrie C
7:30 PM
  Bunt Force Trauma [3]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [8]
POTG: Shannon W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, July 20

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Blair McCrory
Blair McCrory
Coreshore4lyf always brought a competitive but fair approach to the park and tonight was no different. They battled through the semis and almost made a crazy comeback in the championship game. Blair was a rock for this team all season and played great today as well. She is a great defensive player over at first base and always lays down perfect bunts. Thanks for your great attitude and consistent play Blair!
  Field 1
6:30 PM
  Coreshore4lyf [10]
  Merino Ball Breakahs [3]
POTG: Timothy L
7:30 PM
  Coreshore4lyf [7]
  Bottom Of The Fifth [10]
POTG: Will B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)