Winter Co-ed Bowling Wednesdays at Hollywood Bowl 7pm

Team Profiles

Wednesday, February 25

Top Four Make Playoffs, Everyone Bowls
1. Beastie Balls
2. Bowling with Beergoggles
3. Log Jammers*
4. greene fish and friends
* Won Tiebreaker (Record vs. Common Opponent)

5. The BILFS
6. Brutal Bowlers
7. EZ BaKerZ
8. Gutter Slutz
9. Gutterballs
10. Mac N Cheez- Indy #3
11. Bowl Sax
12. Brother Can You Spare a Beer?- Indy #2
13. Hairy Split- Indy #1
14. Senator Mittens
POTW: Scott Pierce
POTW: Scott Pierce
Scott gets himself Player of the Week by completely destroying No-Tap bowling! His nearly perfect game (with NT) was simply amazing. Really, the entire Gutterballs team was racking up those no tap points like there was no tomorrow, which there wasn't, so... Congratulations Scott on a great 277 game and the rest of the Gutterballs for making the last night of No Tap such a great time. Looking forward to next season!
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 35 and 36
Lanes 37 and 38
Lanes 39 and 40
Lanes 41 and 42
Lanes 43 and 44
Lanes 45 and 46
Lanes 47 and 48

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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