Volleyball Standings

Spring Softcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Wednesdays

Sportland photo First Place Trophy

Spring Softcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Wednesdays


Sportland is a Special Place to Be
The Sportland Gals Bring a Plus One and Rule the Championship

The women of Sportland were on a volley high after last week's upset of #1 seed Straight Shots in the Wednesday Softcore playoffs at Tubman. And to make matters even better, their sole (soul?) guy on the squad, Mark Mendak, was able to rejoin them for the finals and add a cool presence at net. It's really tough to single out any one player on Sportland, because this team plays like some sort of a precision dance squad. (There is some dancing going on during their games, however.) They always have each other's backs no matter which position they're playing, and their support for each other is never in question. Bringing their wins from last week's semifinals into the finals, Sportland engaged in a fierce battle with the Volley Lamas, who were ready to fight to the finish. Such great games to witness with long volleys, spectacular defense and killer offense! Sportland managed to parlay their togetherness into two victories of 25-17 and 25-23 (this one with a lot of GRIT) and ultimately the coveted USL Champs headbands and Ex Novo gift card. Some heavy celebrating was in store! Congrats to Sportland and also to the Volley Lamas who never let up and performed to a sold out crowd of one (me)!

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The Volley Lama photo
Second Place Trophy

Spring Softcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Wednesdays
Second Place

The Volley Lama

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Sloppy Sets photo
Third Place Trophy

Spring Softcore Volleyball at Harriet Tubman Wednesdays
Third Place

Sloppy Sets

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  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Straight shots
6 1 0 12 4
6 3 0 12 9
  The Volley Lama
5 3 0 10 11
  Sloppy Sets
5 3 0 10 9
  Air Bud Spikes Back
1 6 0 2 14
  We'd Hit That
0 7 0 0 21
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.