Volleyball Schedule

Fall Softcore Volleyball at St Charles Mondays

Monday, September 10

All teams will be scheduled for a full 6 games over a 7-week period. Each team will have a bye week during the regular season.
Must Love Digs
Alfredo Martinez
Alfredo Martinez
Sloppy Sets
On occasion, sports offer a platform for an athlete to transcend the competition and the game played. Such was the case when Alfredo of Sloppy Sets transcended the sport of volleyball with his jaw dropping performance.  In a surprise to no one, Sloppy Sets turned to Alfredo and his bullet like serves when they needed a screaming streak of aces. Time and time again, Alfredo answered the call, launching overhand serve after overhand serve along the way. For his profound and consistent play throughout his rookie game, Alfredo is our Player of the Week! Congratulations!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Shady 4.0 [2]
  Spike Club [1]
POTG: Phuc T
7:45 PM
  Orville Ready-Blockers [3]
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
POTG: Rachel E
8:45 PM
  Straight Shots [1]
  Sloppy Sets [2]
POTG: Alfredo M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 17

Spike Club
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Alivia H
7:45 PM
  Must Love Digs [0]
  Sloppy Sets [3]
POTG: Patrick A
8:45 PM
  Shady 4.0 [2]
  Orville Ready-Blockers [1]
POTG: Phuc T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 24

Orville Ready-Blockers
Robert Brewer
Robert Brewer
Must Love Digs
For a team claiming to love digs Robert really kept those serves coming in hot! His serves alone just about totaled up a whole game by the end of the night! And when he wasn’t serving he was up at the net ready to block or slam it down for the point any time he got a set! He’s always ready on the court for whatever comes his was and was able to help his team take home the win! Awesome job Robert!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Must Love Digs [3]
POTG: Marce S
7:45 PM
  Straight Shots [3]
  Spike Club [0]
POTG: Josh H
8:45 PM
  Shady 4.0 [3]
  Sloppy Sets [0]
POTG: Kristi O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 1

Shady 4.0
Julia Del Monte and Caylie Seeger
Julia Del Monte and Caylie Seeger
Spike Club
This weeks players of the week were Juila and Caylie, our DJing dancing queens! They took control of the music during their game and got everyone feeling like Britney Spears and the Spice Girls with their throwback playlist. Everyone was either singing along or dancing and it was quite a fun game to watch! Not only that but they went on to play an awesome game and bring home a win for their team! The energy they brought to the court really made for an awesome night. Thank you ladies for the awesome music, dancing, and skill you brought to the court!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Sloppy Sets [3]
POTG: Zeke - for being a badass
7:45 PM
  Orville Ready-Blockers [0]
  Spike Club [3]
POTG: Julia B
8:45 PM
  Straight Shots [3]
  Must Love Digs [0]
POTG: Alisha F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 8

Straight Shots
Sloppy Sets
Sloppy Sets
Sloppy Sets brought the heat, noise, competition and energy **boom boom clap**. They were electric and rocked their game. Recording 3 set wins against Orville Ready-Blockers, their chemistry read as if they've been playing together since elementary school. The team vibe and connection was something sensational. 3 W's!!! who dis.
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Spike Club [3]
POTG: Stacy S
7:45 PM
  Sloppy Sets [3]
  Orville Ready-Blockers [0]
8:45 PM
  Must Love Digs [1]
  Shady 4.0 [2]
POTG: Trevor A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 15

Sloppy Sets
Josh Howard
Josh Howard
Straight Shots
No matter how intense the competition, there should always be for collaborating on an epic playlist. Josh repeatedly gave the thumbs up on the song choice bumping from the blue tooth, even when concentrating on defense. Josh’s commitment to keeping the party going with the perfect soundtrack embodied the Underdog spirit with his attitude. For increasing the fun had by all, Josh is our Player of the Week. Congratulations!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Shady 4.0 [3]
POTG: Nick P
7:45 PM
  Orville Ready-Blockers [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Alex- for being freakishly tall and freakishly strong
8:45 PM
  Spike Club [2]
  Must Love Digs [1]
POTG: Aaron S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 22

Two Bump Chumps
Renee Bacastow
Renee Bacastow
Straight Shots
Renee was a true X-factor for Straight Shots this week. Proving the old adage that some people just have “it,” Renee came back from Cabo and was on another level during her game. Fueled by a week of tacos, tequila, and sunscreen, Renee outran, outjumped, and outperformed the competition. For gracing all in attendance with her natural athletic ability, and post vacation tan, Renee is our Player of the Week. Congratulations!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Must Love Digs [3]
  Orville Ready-Blockers [0]
POTG: Marce S
7:45 PM
  Shady 4.0 [3]
  Straight Shots [0]
POTG: Melanie M
8:45 PM
  Sloppy Sets [2]
  Spike Club [1]
POTG: Julie S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 29

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Alicia Starkey
Alicia Starkey
Must Love Digs
Must Love Digs was the superstar of the week in the fun and colorful Halloween costumes. We had a superhero, a Hawaiian beach goer, a kitty, a captain and many more. This week however was all about the amazing Alicia, she lead the charge with the costumes and rocked her pink Tu-Tu! She played an amazing game and was the allstar of the team. Way to go Alicia!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Two Bump Chumps [0]
  Sloppy Sets [3]
POTG: Lynnea S
7:45 PM
  Must Love Digs [1]
  Spike Club [2]
POTG: Caylie S
8:45 PM
  Orville Ready-Blockers [0]
  Straight Shots [3]
POTG: Renee B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, November 5

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Daniel MacNeil
Daniel MacNeil
Straight Shots
Daniel remained a strong force throughout the championships this Monday. He was hustling to every ball, serving consistently, and making intentional decisions when placing the ball. Not only did he set his teammates up for success, but he jumped at the opportunity to spike the ball and score his team some much needed points during a nail biting championship match. Daniel also demonstrated admirable honesty in the last few points of the final match, which paid off and gave his team the momentum needed to finish strong. Way to go Daniel, congrats on your incredible season!
  Court 1
6:45 PM
  Straight Shots [2]
  Sloppy Sets [1]
POTG: Jeff AKA Jefe
7:45 PM
  Spike Club [0]
  Shady 4.0 [2]
POTG: Phuc T
8:45 PM
  Straight Shots [2]
  Shady 4.0 [1]
POTG: Daniel M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)