Kickball Standings

Spring Softcore Co-ed Kickball at King School Park - On Grass Sundays

Never Nudes photo First Place Trophy

SPR[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at King School Park - on grass

  Never Nudes

Never Nudes steal the show!
... and only in the freshest of freshie jorts...

That's right kickballers, take note. Never Nudes are good. Real good. I can hear you asking, "but do they look good doing it?"

"Heck yeah," I reply.

Jort strings a-danglin', Never Nudes first take out El Diablo's friend team, Disco Wizards in a dazzling display of offensive might. 24 on the board and still you could hear the "chugachuga, chugachuga" of Disco Wizards from the neighboring farmer's market.

El Diablo Roboticos pulled off an amazing win against number one seed, Intoxicated Smurfs with some great defensive efforts and a few golden feet that just couldn't stop kicking winners. The entire team pulled together for what would be their greatest game of the season and just at the right time, against the great Intoxicated Smurfs team.

Never Nudes then came to play Rudabega Stus, who had just come off a win against Team Manifest Destiny in a very close game. Never Nudes poured on the kicks. Though there were some fielding problems here and there, Never Nudes were able to hold Rudabega Rudabega Rudabega Stuuuuus to 6 runs kicked in. Great effort on both sides, but it was Never Nudes heading to the big show.

It was the grand finale to a great season. Never Nudes vs. El Diablo Roboticos. Two great tastes that go great together.

Never Nudes started off the first inning in the kicker's box and began the finals with some great kicking and base running. They were able to put up enough runs in that first half inning to head out onto the defensive side with confidence and were able to keep El Diablo down to only a few runs for most of the game. Meanwhile, Never Nudes just kept kicking huge and put some great shots into the field. El Diablo Roboticos just couldn't stop the bleeding (oiling?) and Never Nudes finished off the long day of kickballin' with another great win and the championship.

View Never Nudes Team Page
El Diablo Roboticos photo
Second Place Trophy

SPR[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at King School Park - on grass
Second Place

El Diablo Roboticos

View Team Page
The Rudabaga Stus  photo
Third Place Trophy

SPR[10] Co-ed Softcore Kickball at King School Park - on grass
Third Place

The Rudabaga Stus

View Team Page
  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
  Never Nudes
9 1 0 18 52
  El Diablo Roboticos
7 (2)º 2 1 15 53
  intoxicated Smurfs
6 2 1 13 63
  The Rudabaga Stus
6 2 1 13 69
  Team Manifest Destiny
6 2 0 12 55
  Chewbacca's Wreckin Ballasz- Indy #2
3 4 (1)º 2 8 39
4 3 0 8 48
  Kick Tease- Indy #1
4 4 0 8 52
  Disco Wizards
3 4 1 7 70
  Balls a Flyin
2 5 1 5 71
  The Frontians
2 5 1 5 77
  Sparkle Motion
2 5 0 4 60
  2 Left Feet
1 5 (1)º 2 4 61
14 Avengers
2 5 0 4 70
  the bash
0 0 0 0 0
  Balls & Dolls
0 8 0 0 111
How are Standings Calculated?
Standings shown do not automatically adjust for tiebreakers. Tiebreakers may be adjusted manually prior to playoffs with head-to-head followed by runs/points allowed (or sets lost for Volleyball leagues) as the top 2 criteria. Forfeits may be calculated differently as stated below.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.